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"Greene" I heard my last name being called through the bars of my cell, I jumped off my bunk bed that I shared with another girl. "Time to go," the guard says giving her a nod I turned around and gave the girl who became my homegirl while I was here a hug.

"I will see you soon chica," Rosetta says kissing my cheek, when I got to the cell door I held out my hands as the guard cuffs them. Giving Rosetta a wink before I was pushed to walk forward.

It had been 3 years since I was arrested and today was the day I was finally getting out of this place. I was caught hi-jacking a track while my crew was able to get away I was the one that took everything, I didn't mind because at the end of the day my crew would always back me up but I still had a business to run and I wasn't letting my whole crew come down with me. So as I got locked up my second hand took over, making sure everything was running smoothly.

"Keep your nose clean Greene, don't want to see you back here," Sia says as she took off my handcuffs.

"Oh, don't worry I'll try," I said giving her a smile before she hands me my clothes to change into. Black jean shorts, black crop top and a red flannel shirt with my red converse I was ready to get the hell outta here. I grabbed the rest of my shit and walked out of the gates, the sun was shining and it felt good on my skin. When I looked over the car park I saw Zak leaning against the car with his hands tucked into his pockets, when he looks up to see me he smiled and I took off running towards him.

Jumping into his arms Zak held me as we spun around "I've missed you" I said as he places me back down.

"I've missed you to Mo. You look great" he says giving me smile as he spins me around. "Are you ready to get outta here?"

"You bet I am!" I said grabbing the keys off him as he dangles them in front of me, smirking I rush to the drivers side to get in. "It feels so good being behind a wheel again" I moan when I hear the engine purr as I start the car, getting a chuckle from Zak.

When we got to the warehouse were we stored our cars, everyone had stopped what they were doing to come over and greeted me. After a few hours I had left again to go see how Lucy was doing. I hadn't been able to contact her for three years and I was hoping she wasn't mad at me for being away for so long.

When I got to the compound of the Devil Riders, I noticed Maria's car in the lot and a few bikes. When I walked into the clubhouse whoever was there turned to looked who came through the clubhouse doors.

"Look who decided to show up. How you doing baby?" Says the Devil Riders President's wife. Ruby.

"I'm good Ms Ruby. How you doing?" I give her a smile and a hug.

"I'm always good baby. What brings you here?" She asks.

"I am looking for Lulu. Have you seen her?"

"Lucy? Hmm not for three years.." she says taking my arm when she saw the confusion on my face.

"What do you mean three years? Where is she?" I asked as I was pushed into a chair, before she took a seat next to me.

"She got into it with Digger. She packed her stuff and left."


"Germany. Last I heard"

I looked at her in shock but I shook my head "what happened?" I asked as I pulled my dreads into a ponytail.

"The night we went to your 'party' we came back to the boys having their own little party like normal right?" She says as I nodded my head yes. "Well she went looking for Digger and found him banging one of the girls."

I didn't know what to say as I ran a hand down my face. "Wow... I thought he loved her"

"Hm that's what we all thought but that night he also told her that if she went to that 'party' she shouldn't come back. He hasn't been the same since, been on the road with Rider every chance he got. They should be back tonight or tomorrow."

"Have you heard from Lucy through?"

"Yeah she checks in every few weeks to months with Maria, living with her grandparents." Ruby says as I nod my head. "So where have you been running off to?"

I smile shaking my head "oh you know around the country" I said giving her a wink. No one knew I went to prison and I was hoping to keep it that way. I heard someone walk out of the hall that went to each dorm when I looked up I saw my cousin Cliff. Sighing to myself I pushed myself up from my chair giving Ruby a kiss on the cheek. "Well I best be off. I'll check in, in a few days see if you heard from Lu." I said as Ruby gives me a nod.

I was nearly at the doors when they burst open with bikers my eyes narrowed when I spotted Digger walking through the doors, with a girl already hanging off his arm. "Your such a wanker" I said shaking my head as he looks at me.

"Excuse me?" He says narrowing his eyes.

"How's Lulu?" I asked tilting my head to the side.

"Moana" I heard my name being called and I knew immediately who it was.

My cousin.

Digger looks at me stepping forward going toe to toe with me "I suggest you keep your mouth shut" He says in a low deep voice trying to scare me.

"A biker like you don't scare me" I spit, I felt someone pull on my arm.

"Keep this slut under control" Digger says but it was a bad move because I clench my hand into a fist and punched him in the face. I felt someone's arms wrap around my waist pulling me back away from Digger as he spits blood on the floor.

"She left because of you!" I yelled at him and then started yelling at him again but in Romani, pulling against the person holding me. As I spoke in a different language everyone was confused at what I was saying.

I get pushed past Digger and outside before I heard someone say "Calm down" when I struggled out the his arms I backed away as I looked at who had held me back from punching Digger more. He had to be the most gorgeous guy I had ever seen with his long brown near black hair, you could tell he was a Native American.

I shook my head when I looked past him as my cousin walks out of the clubhouse doors walking over to me. "What the hell was that Moana?" He yells but I shook my head once again.

"Don't" I said pointing at him before getting into the car and rushing away, only looking back to see the native standing there watching me.

Enjoy the first chapter!

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