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Nikoloas 'Niko'

"Why the hell would you say that to her?" Stella asks Reaper as she stands up with the help of Maria I was staring after Bella "you know how she is when it comes to her brother" Stella says shaking her head.

"She needs to know what is going to happen if Kevin takes her and Brax." Reaper says I could tell he wasn't calming down.

"I think she knows, she was the one that came looking for you 5 years ago with broken ribs and bruises all over her body. She knows what he will do to her and Brax but she needs to look after her little boy. You can't stop her from working love, Bella is independent and stubborn and she won't stop." Stella says.

"His not getting anywhere near her Stella."

"I know, that's why we have been trying to find him but it's like e doesn't want to be found." After Stella said this Reaper looked like he was about to rip shit apart by the way he was looking. I got up from where I was sitting walking over to Reaper and Stella, I moved Stella out of the way before Reaper did something to hurt her.

"Take it to the gym man" I said patting him on the shoulder. His fists were making his hands turn white while he was walking off towards the gym. "I'll get him calm down you all head to bed it's 1 in the morning" I said as I kiss my mother on the cheek before walking off after Reaper.

When I got into the gym you could hear Reaper hitting the punching bag making the chains that was holding it up rattle. Reaper was our enforcer to the club and his hits were hard I would know since we had been in the ring a few times training with each other.

I knew this stuff with Bella was getting to him, his beast was about to show soon enough if he didn't get his hands on this guy soon. I walked over to him to hold the bag as he punched the living shit of it "What's going through your mind man?" I asked.

"I promised Braxton I would look after her if anything happened to him but I was selfish and never looked for her after I came home" he said as he hit the bag. "She's like my sister man.."

"I know she's like that to everyone"

"Not to you.. you see her as more" he says hitting the bag once more.

"What? What do you mean" I look at him confused.

"I've seen you look at her like the way I see Stella. Your father sees your ma" he says stops what his doing to stand up straight. "Do you like Bella?" He asked being very serious.

Did I like Bella?

Well yeah she was a great girl, she was very beautiful and a great mother but did I really like her..?

I had no idea... When I saw her that day wearing only booty shorts and a tank top I felt my hands twitch, aching to touch her and that never happens. So maybe I did see her more than a sister. When I see her with Braxton that's who I would want to come home to at the end of the day, to a loving family. I wanted that. I wanted what my cousins had with their partners. Love...

After I didn't reply for a while Reaper nodded his head "just don't hurt her or I will kill you like I am going to kill Kevin" he says before walking past me to head out of the gym. I ran a hand over my head and down my face I knew to take his words seriously because I knew what he did to his victims and it wasn't good.


When I finally got to my room I had to take a deep breath to calm myself down because after what happened I was a mess.

When I threw my bag on the bed my phone fell out he had lit up with a message, when I looked at it I saw it was from an unknown number.

'Never knew you were a biker whore. They won't be able to protect you forever. I will come for you and our son it's just a matter of time, weather I have to kidnap you and Brax or you come willingly. See you soon beauty'

When I read the message I started to panic I ran to my window to see if I could see anything in the street but nothing. I had to tell someone about it this had scared me now, so I ran out of the room and into someone.

"Woah sweetheart where you rushing off to?" I looked up to see Niko standing there with his hands on my arms to steady me. He could see I had panic in eyes which made him worried "what's wrong?" He asks as I shove the phone into his hands to show him the message.

When he reads the message all he says is "fuck" before taking my hand and walking us towards another room he bangs onto the door calling out Cliff's name.

When the door swings open I see Cliff standing there before Niko shoves the phone into his hands "the last text message find who's number that is" Cliff looks at Niko and gives a nod before walking into his room to get to work, Niko closes the door and pulls me towards his room.

I had been shaking the whole time I couldn't control it, so when we got into his room I broke down "What if he takes Brax... I don't think I could handle that.. I have to go get him." I try to rush pass Niko but he stops me before closing the door.

"Bella breathe, Braxton is fine He is with your parents, if you need to call them you can use my phone but you need to calm down before you go into a panic attack. Nothing is going to happen to you, this club and I will keep you safe. Do you hear me?" He asks before taking my face in his hands "I will keep you safe if it's the last thing I do, Kevin won't come near you I promise." He says kissing my forehead making me lean against his body.

In that moment I was starting to believe him.

Along with my feelings getting stronger for this man.


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