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Shot after shot Maria kept the same pace with me, we were nearly finished the second bottle till Ángela, Ruby, Stella and Bella walked over to us. "Ladies! Come join us!" I slurred as I asked the prospect to get more shot glasses and another bottle.

Maria and I were drunk probably to the point of us not remembering what happens.

"Lucy, what are you doing sweetheart?" Ruby asks I knew they could all see the sadness in my eyes, Ruby sighs as they each took a shot glass they knew exactly what I was doing.

It seemed like the hours flew past because it was now midnight and the guys were only just walking into the clubhouse after doing club shit all day. Us girls were drunk off our faces as we took shot after shot, we were barely hanging onto our seats as we were nearly falling off.

"Oh no.." Maria slurs as we all looked towards the doors of the clubhouse. The guys had stopped when they saw us giving us confused looks.

"Baby!" Bella yells for Niko as we all couldn't hold our laugher. I shook my head as I turned back towards the bar pouring myself another shot. I felt someone hold my glass down on the bar top when I look to see who it was I smiled wide at him.

"I think you have had enough" Digger says as he shakes his head.

"I don't think so" I smirked as I take a sip from the bottle it self, getting off the stool nearly stumbling over but giggling, I felt his hands on me holding me up.

"What are you doing to yourself?" Digger asks while everyone was watching us.

"I am having fun" I slurred as I pull away from him.

"Your drunk, come on let's get you into bed" he tries to take a hold of my arm but I step back from him shaking my head before I took another sip from the bottle. "Come on baby" Digger tries to take the bottle away from me but I step back again.

"I'm not your baby" I hiccup. "That stopped the m-moment you yelled at me.." I shrugged "but what can I do? I mean my grandfather killed someone that meant a lot to this club..." I said looking down as I felt my tears finally fall as I started to laugh like I was crazy shaking my head "I should of never come here... I only did because I was scared of being raped again.."

No one knew that happen to me except Maria as everyone stood there looking at me in shock I took a sip of the bottle again.

"W-What?" Digger asks stepping closer.

"Shit.." I hear Maria mumble as she got out of doc's arms walking over to me, taking me in her own arms.

"Anyone want to explain what's going on?" Digger growled and you could see he was getting angry.

"Digger leave it" Maria spoke to him before turning to me "Come on let's get you into a shower and get to bed"

"Like fuck! She aren't going anywhere till you tell me what's going on" he says.

Maria looked at me before I looked at Digger "I met Maria at the strip joint where we worked, Maria left and they needed a new girl on stage.. so they told me to get on stage or else.. but I couldn't do it." I shook my head as Maria rubbed my back to calm me down. "So my boss told her bodyguard to get rid of me but instead he raped me and left me in the alleyway. I got home called Maria and told her what happen, Ángela and Maria helped me get here... I felt alone.. my dad left and my mother was sick... and I needed to work.."

I turn to Maria as she saw my tear stain cheeks "I miss her Mar.." I cried into her shoulder nearly giving way but Digger picked me up as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I got you" he whispers to me before tell everyone that he was taking me to bed.

Once in his dorm he placed me on the bathroom counter before turning on the water getting it nice and warm. I jumped as he took my hands "It's okay I got you" he says as I look into his eyes, I saw sadness as he stokes my cheek. By this point I had a headache and I was still drunk, he helped me down as I tore off my clothes and stepped into the hot water.

When the water turned cold I got out drying my myself when I saw that Digger had given me a shirt to wear. As I limped out of the bathroom I saw that he'd gotten changed himself into sweat pants, when he hears me he looks up from his sitting position on the edge of the bed. The shower had sobered me up a bit but when he stood up and walked slowly over to me my tears fell once again as he wrapped his arms around me.

"I got you baby" he whispers to me as I just fall apart in his arms, he lifts me up into his arms and places me onto the bed. Pulling the covers over us I felt his hand run up and down my arm as I laid my head his chest.

It felt like hours that had gone past but I couldn't and I knew Jordan was awake too, I had stopped crying a while ago. I laid my chin on his chest looking at him as he looks at me he moves a piece of my hair behind my ear.

"Love me.." I whisper to him I saw his eyes go wide.



He thinks over few before looking deep into my eyes before asking if I was sure, giving him a nod he leans me back against the bed as he softly kisses me turning it into something more.

I was numb.

I wanted to feeling something

And I did.

From this moment on I knew I loved Jordan.


Sorry I hadn't done an update in a few weeks everything is just crazy at the moment.


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