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I leaned against the table wiping my bloody hands on a tea towel as I hear the whimpers of the victim across the room as Reaper continues to find the information we needed to know. As my father was asking the questions the guy just kept saying 'he didn't know anything' but we knew better.

What happen was that this in front of us had been forging the books while taking some of our weapons to sell on the side for himself.

"Greg stop lying and just tell me before I lose it and kill you myself" my father asks him but he just doesn't say anything till my father pulls his gun out and places it against Greg's head.

"Wait wait.. please don't.. I-I needed the money my wife has cancer and—"

"You thought you could make some money.. don't I pay you enough Greg?"

"Yes-yes but.." as Greg was explaining why he needed the money my father stared at him seeing if he was lying or not.

"You better not be lying to me Greg"

"No no I-I'm not lying it's true" Greg says as he shakes in the chair that his tied to.

"Then you wouldn't have a problem if I got my tech guy to look into it then would you?" My father asks taking out his phone to call Cliff but Greg eyes go wide with fear and that's when my father knew that Greg was lying. "Look up Greg's wife records from the hospital to see if she has cancer." He says into the phone.

All it took for Cliff a few minutes to search anyone if you could give him a name. Cliff must of something because my father had hanged up the phone and shot Greg in the head. Not even batting an eye.

"Stupid fuck" my father mumbled to himself "get the prospects to clean this up" he tells Reaper before walking over to me. I had thrown the tea towel onto the table behind me before I took out my phone seeing if Shadow had replied but still nothing.

I was getting worried that she hadn't messaged me but I knew she would of been busy with school. "Still nothing?" My father asks me before I put my phone away, shaking my head no. "Don't worry I'm sure she'll get back to you when she's free" he says before we walked out of the warehouse.

"I think we're done here, round up all the guys we're going home" my father told Rider with a nod everyone got ready to head out.

I pulled out my phone once again I decided to call Shadow to see if she would answer. "Hello..." she answered after the fourth ring.


"Hey.." she sighs I could hear something in her voice that didn't sound right.

"What's wrong? Is it because I haven't been able to come see you?"

"No.. no it's not that.. it's just I have something to tell you but I don't want to say it over the phone I want to tell you in person.. um.. can you meet me at the waterfall?"

"Your in town?"


"Alright let me tell dad and see if he needs me anymore but we should be there tomorrow"

"Yeah.. okay I'll see you then.." after we said goodbye to each other, I went to see if I was needed anymore.



I had been sitting here in all day the weather wasn't as nice today like my mood, it was stormy. I looked up and watched the clouds rolls over my head it got darker and I knew it was going to rain soon. It was cold sitting here near the water as I waited for Braxton, he had texted saying that he would meet me here like I asked over the phone last night.

About 10 minutes later I could see him walking into the clearing with a smile on his face, I pushed myself up as I stood. Braxton walked straight up to me I wrapped my arms around his neck as he pulls me into his arms. "God I've missed you" he says into my neck, I just closed my eyes because I knew what was about to happen.

"I missed you too Brax" I said as he moves some of my hair away from my eyes, giving him a small smile.

"You look like you haven't slept, what's wrong?" He asks me, I took a step back biting my lip.

"Yeah.. something happened and I don't know how to say it.." I looked at him as he looked at me confused. "I'll just come right out with it.. I-I was pregnant and—"


"I-I went to the hospital because I had severe pains and bleeding, so the doctors took tests and that and it turns out that I was pregnant" I tell him again he looked at me in shock his mouth was open and all, his eyes looked down to my stomach then back up to my eyes. I took a shaky breath and went on "it turns out that it was signs of a miscarriage. They-they did an ultrasound but couldn't hear a heartbeat..." by now I had tears down my face and it had started to rain.

"I-it was mine right" he asks and I nodded to him.

"I-I'm so sorry Braxton, I-I didn't know I was... and it just happened all of a sudden..." I said.

"Why didn't you call me.."

"Because you were busy with the club and I thought you'd wanted to be told face to face instead of over the phone.." He stood there nodding his head, his face had no emotion on it so I didn't know what he was thinking.

He turns around and starts to pace up and down he was grabbing at hair. The rain started to get heavy now and when I called out his name he just stopped pacing up and down, looked at me and shook his head.

But what broke my heart even more was he just walked away without saying anything, I sunk to the floor and cried my heart out calling after him.


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