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"This chick is crazy" Digger says as he ties up a unconscious Emma while I just stare at her. Emma had been on the run few weeks now and I hadn't stopped looking for her till she showed up at Rosetta's place asking to get on. To be honest I couldn't believe it, she started taking meth after I stopped seeing her.

When Emma had showed up at Rosetta's place, she had called me saying that she was there and to come get her before she skinned her alive. I didn't blame her after what she had done to Shadow anyone would.

Rider was itching to get his hands on her after what she had done and so was I. Shadow was questioning herself if she was good enough and to be honest she was.. she was perfect any guy would be lucky to have her.. but I didn't deserve her not after the way I've been treating her..

If I was such a great best friend I would of been at her dance recital but I wasn't..

I light up a cigarette as I stand off to the side as I watch Rider do his thing, it didn't take long before he put a bullet between her eyes. As the prospects clean up the mess at the warehouse we all head towards our bikes. I threw away my cigarette before Rider stopped me "head towards the house, I know you want to see her. She thinks she can do things herself" he says before letting me go and heads towards his own bike.

I sighed as I got on my bike and headed towards the house, I knew she would be home I had been asking him about how she was.

Pulling up to the house I knocked on the door a few moments later Moana answers the door smiling at me she says the Shadow was in her room. I took a deep breath and went to her room I leaned against the door frame watching her as she tries to walk towards her bed from her desk. But as she hopped towards her bed she nearly fell over but I had caught her making her jump out of her skin.

"Brax" She says breathless "w-what are you doing here?" She asks once I picked her up placing her onto the bed.

"Wanted to see how you were and that I am sorry" I said sitting at the end of the bed.

"Eva said you found her.."

"Yeah.. she showed up at her mothers house asking for some meth" I said her face turns to shock.

"Did.. did you know?" She asked but I shook my head no. "Is-is she gone?" I nodded my head yes, I just sat there looking at her, she had dark circles around her eyes while her hair was in a messy bun.

"You haven't been sleeping have you?" I asked her watching her closely as she bite her lip looking down at her hands. "Bub.."

"I've been having nightmares okay! No I haven't been sleeping because all I dream about is Moxxi and the sound of gunshots!" She yells at me making me nod my head, I stand up walking over to the door. "Your going to just leave again?" She asks but I don't say anything as I close the door i turned around taking off my jacket and my boots before I get into bed with her.

"No I'm not leaving, Come on get under the covers" I said moving the blankets out of the way.

"What are you doing?" She asks looking confused.

"Remember when we were little we used to have sleep overs and you couldn't sleep? So I would come over and lay my sleeping bag next to you and you were finally able to get some sleep. Well that's what we're going to do so get your sweet ass under the covers" I said as she lifts her eyebrow at me I smirked at her but she smiles and shakes her head slowly getting under the covers with me.

I lay down as does she but I pull her closer to me, Shadow lays her head on my chest as I run my fingers through her hair. I could feel her shake as I brought her closer to me and kissed her on the head "your okay Bub, I'm here."

She nods her head and finally closes her eyes she was asleep in no time as I kept running my fingers through her hair. I could hear her whimper in her sleep and I knew she was dreaming I pulled her closer and fell asleep myself.


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