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I had been sitting here on the couch for hours with Braxton in my arm as I run my fingers through his hair, I had been watching him close his eyes off and on all night. I just couldn't bring myself to wake him up and tell him to go to bed, my little boy had been through so much.

Brax had told me what he had gone through.

His dad had hit him because he wouldn't talk and then again when Kevin had found out that he had a stutter. I didn't realise I was crying again till I heard Niko standing in the doorway when I looked over at him I wiped my face rid of tears.

He walks over to us kneels down in front of me, he looks from me to Brax then back to me giving a small smile before standing up taking Braxton out of my arms nods his head towards the door. I slowly get up from the couch as I follow Niko as he heads to my room, I open the door as Niko moves towards the bed and lays Braxton over the covers.

When he walks over to me he lifts my chin to look into my eyes "T-thank you for bringing them back" I whispered to him as he rubs his thumb over my lower lip.

"You know I'd do anything for you and that little boy" he says looking into me eyes.

"I come with baggage Niko you wouldn't want that" I shake my head stepping back away him.

"Bella when you walked through those clubhouse doors asking for help to keep you and your son safe I knew you were the special type of girl that I wanted in my life. You come with baggage? Baby so do I but are you willing to have a target on your back? If not please tell me now." He says stoking my cheek I looked away from him towards Braxton who was still sleeping on the bed.

When I thought about it Kevin still would of come after me wether I was here protected by this club nor not and if he did I wouldn't know what to do. Kevin could of killed us or kept us locked away till we died but being here Niko and his club brought Brax and my parents back safely.

But what about all the rival clubs would they use us against the Devil Riders? But then I look at Maria and Doc, Stella and Xavier, Ángela and Clay and then you have Ruby and Alessandro.. it doesn't matter about other clubs when it comes to love. It doesn't matter about all the weapons, the blood or anything that involves the club because when you look into the eyes of someone special like Niko it melts away.

Like it's not even there anymore...

So I looked up at Niko and nodded my head "I don't belong anywhere else, you help save my little boy from the monster of his father. So I want to be here with you, if you want a single mother that is"

A smile slowly creeps up into his face as he pulls me to him "of course I want you darling" he says lowering his head as he tips my head up pressing his lips on mine. I run my hands up his chest and around his neck as he deepens the kiss.

"I want to take you out but you just got Brax back so I'll give you a few days which the guys and I will be dealing with Kevin" he says

"I want to be there.. he hurt my parents and Braxton. I want to ask him why.. please" I said as Niko shook his head no but after I kept begging for him to let me see Kevin one last time he finally gave in.

After a few more moments Niko told me to head to bed before he gave me once last kiss and turned to walk out the door, I stripped down into the shirt that Niko had given me the other day to sleep in. It still smelt like him so I climb into bed next to Braxton, wrapping my arms around him as I fall into a deep sleep from exhaustion.


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