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When I woke up it was dark the only thing that was on was my fairy lights that were placed all over my room. I still felt Braxton's arm around me now that I faced away from him, he pulled me closer. "What's the time?" he mumbles, knowing that I was awake I looked over to check my phone.

"8 pm. Do you need to be somewhere?" I asked him but he mumbles no.

"You were finally able to get some sleep," he says once I turn over to face him, giving him a smile I nod my head. "good, you need to heal"

"Hmm I have physio tomorrow," I said sitting up in bed as he still lays there facing me, I pulled my shorts down a bit to cover the horrible bullet scar, every time I looked at them it reminds me of everything and it brings me to tears. How could someone do that? But now that Braxton had told me she had been using meth it makes me think that she had been on it for a while...

"Hey I can see that you're overthinking in there" Braxton nudges softly me in the thigh with his fist.

"I can't help it, you know?" I said as he nods his nod yes.

"I get it, Bub she wasn't right in the head and sometimes it makes people do crazy stupid shit that gets other people hurt." He says sitting up leaning against the bedhead "I'm just glad that, that the bullets landed where they did." he says taking my hand in his.

"What happened behind you too anyways?" I asked as I looked at our hands together I could feel the warmth from his but I could feel a spark as well.

"After that day you came to the clubhouse and full-on yelled at me about your dance, well I broke things off with her. Emma said that I shouldn't have to put up with you and I knew that this dance meant everything to you and I really wanted to be there, believe me, baby, I did. But I missed it and I am so sorry." he sighs, "I told Emma that I wanted nothing to do with her anymore, she got pissed off and ran out of the clubhouse. I hadn't seen her since, till yesterday."

I nodded my head "She really didn't like me did she?"

"I don't think so no Bub, I'm sorry"

"No, it's okay, I guess I can't get everyone to like me," I said giving him a small smile.

"Everyone does like you"

I laughed shaking my head no "No, everyone likes you because you're hot. Even the girls at school still ask if you have a girlfriend." Braxton rolls his eyes shaking his head.

By the time we decided we were hungry it was an hour later, my parents were at the clubhouse so we were alone. We had ordered pizza and by the time it arrived I was going through the list of movies to watch.

I picked Brooklyn nine nine as I placed the Xbox controller down, Braxton was walking in with two boxes of pizza. My mouth was already watering before I even opened the box, it smelt that good.

The next morning I had woken up around lunchtime and I had missed my therapy session for the day "damn" I mumbled quietly but I had must of woken Braxton because he started to stir.

He rubs his face as he lays on his back, I slowly get up. My body was sore today and stiff so I needed to go get my meds, I try to limp over to the closest.

"What are you doing?" Braxton asks from the bed.

"Trying to get a jumper" I sighed once I got to the closest, I whimper a bit when I have to put some weight on my leg but Braxton had stopped me when I looked at him he grabs the jumper off the coat hanger and helps me with it.

"What's the matter?" He asks when he see I'm in a bit of discomfort.

"I'm just sore.. I need to go get my medication" i turned but he stops me.

"Where is it?"

"I can go get my own medication Brax"

"Mhm sure but I know your in pain I can see it in your face Bub" he says with a smirk making me roll my eyes.

"I was supposed to have my physio today, kinda forgot..." I said biting my lip.

"You forgot.."

I went to turn around but his hand grabbed my arm spinning me around as he bends down lifting me over his shoulder "Brax!" I squealed as he slaps my ass.

"Are they in the kitchen?" He asks but I stayed quiet so he starts to tickle my feet.

"Okay okay" I squealed again giggling. "yes their in the kitchen" 

"See now that wasn't so hard was it" he chuckles as he walks out of my room and towards the kitchen.

It felt like we were both back in school, it felt right. Like nothing had happened between us, his smile lit up the room and it made me fall in love once again. It made me think of all our good times and not the bad, I could never stay away from him he held my heart before I even knew it.


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