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3 years later

I was finally finished my class for the day I was ready to go home, my thigh was hurting today it always did when I worked hard. I wiped my face with my towel I threw it in my bag I put my Jordan's before grabbing my bag and walking out of the class.

I met up with my roommate in the local coffee shop, I quickly ordered a water and made my way over to Ashley who was busy on her laptop. "Hey" She says giving me a smile before turning back to whatever she was doing.

"Hey" I said as I sit down across from her I took a chip off her plate before she slapped my hand away from her food. We had become friends after the first year of being roommates she was another best friend of mine, even though I still kept in contact with Eva.

"How was class?" She asked me, I just shrugged my shoulders. I felt off today like I knew something was going to happen.

She looked over her laptop pushing her glasses up her nose "Is your leg hurting again?" She asks.

"Yeah but I'll just take something when we get home" I said before taking a sip from my water bottle.

"Just take it easy for the next few days. Alright let's get outta here" She says packing up her stuff as I sling my bag over my shoulder, I followed her out of the coffee shop I didn't take any noticed of anything around me till I heard someone call me name.


I knew the voice the moment they spoke, which made me stop dead in my tracks I couldn't turn around I just felt everything come rushing back. I closed my eyes when they called my name out again.

"Who is that?" Ashley asks me when I finally open them, she was looking at them her eyes were wide.

I bit my lip I slowly turned around but I dropped my water bottle when I finally saw him.


Braxton was leaning against his bike, the same stupid bike he had since he was 16 years old. His body had changed over the last 3 years it got muscly but he still kept the same biker look. Still wore the same leather kutte. He looked hot...

He knew I was checking him out because when my eyes finally went to his face that smirk he always wore was there.

"You haven't changed a bit Bub" he says looking me up and down making me feel self conscious about wearing my crop top that was showing off my tone stomach.

"Do you know him?" Ashley asked me I could feel my hands starting to sweat.

"You aren't going to say hi?" He says pushing off the bike and walking over to me.

"Shadow?" Ashley nudges me I turned my head biting back tears as I nod my head. "Who is this guy.."

"My past.." I mumbled as I turned on my heels and walking away from him, I could hear my name being called but I shook my head wiping away the tears away.

I hated that he was here.

I hated that all my feelings came rushing back as soon as I saw him..

I guess I never got over him..

As soon as I walked into my room at home I immediately called my mother "Hey baby"

"Why did you tell me he was out and coming here?" I said leaning against my door.

I heard her sigh before she answered "I'm sorry baby but he wouldn't listen to any of us, he was like a man on a mission trying to get your address. He threatened Cliff and you know what his like.. so I'm guessing he found you"

"Yeah saw me coming out of the coffee shop down the road.. mum... why is he here.. he..he" I said as I start pacing my room.

"I know baby, I guess being away for 3 years and pushing the only person he loved more then his parents away it will take a toll on you. He had years to think over what he had done baby." She says.

I ran my hand through my hair as my breathing became rapid "baby? Shadow? Breathe baby girl" I could hear my dad over the phone but I couldn't control this panic attack, the next thing I knew Braxton had busted through my door.

"Bub.. shit! Breathe.. come on.. follow me in and out" he says helping me to sit on my bed as he kneels down before I follow his breathing. "Rider yeah I gotta man.. alright I'll let her know" he says ending the call to my parents. Braxton held my hands as I got my breathing back under control, he reaches up and stokes my cheek wiping the lone tear that falls.

"What-What are you doing here Braxton..?" I asked quietly.

"I wanted to see my girl" he says but I shake my head no.

"I'm not your girl anymore.. you said.."

"I know what I said, I haven't been able to stop thinking about it but I love you Shadow.. It's always been you baby and I am so sorry for what I have said all those years ago. I just wanted you to have your own life without holding back on your dreams." He says wiping away alone tear.

I pushed him away as I stand up "you don't get it do you? I was willing to wait for you! I would of been there every god damn week to see you but you pushed me away. You said those words to hurt me to make me stop loving you but it didn't work because I still fucking love you! I have loved you since I can remember!" I yell at him, I push his hands away from me when he stands up to grab me.

"Get off of me Braxton!"


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