Chapter 18

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I had been sitting here staring at the same pale dirty walls for hours, I knew I wasnt going to sleep my mind was way to busy but I guess that was a good thing because I didnt have to witness the nightmares once again.

I had been up for days using cocaine and I knew sitting here in this cell I was coming down from the high and that wasnt good.

I could hear people down the hall in the cells next to me yelling to get out or snoring, I had stayed quiet. Sighing to myself I stood up I walked around the cell the only thing you could hear coming from cell was the click clack of my high heels.

I walked over to the bars of the cell as I leaned on them I saw a police officer walk down the hall checking in the cells of the other people. When she gets closer to mine she gives me a polite smile before she steps closer. "How are you holding up Ms D'Amore?" She asks, making me narrow my eyes for a second but I didn't say anything running my eyes up and down her figure. I could tell me doing that was making her uncomfortable.

"Your family have been called about the situation so they should be here soon" she says as I tilt my head to the side. "Once they arrive we will start the process of getting you out of here. I am sure you'd rather be at home then in a locked up cell." She continues to speak but it was no use I wasn't talking back, I was told when I was little to never speak to the police if I ever got caught. I remember my father telling me that and to this day when ever to police got a hold of me I never spoke.

I hated the police after what those police officers did well nearly did to me, I hated everything about them.

When she turned to continue down the hall I made a piggy sound which made her stop to turn her head to look at me and I just smirked at her. "I'd watch what you say or do Ms D'Amore it could land you in a lot trouble." She says but I gave her a wink as I pushed myself off the bars.


Hours later I looked up when I heard my cell door open. "Ms D'Amore your family is here" the same Officer from before says as she unlocks the door. I stand up to stretch before I walk towards the officer, since I was wearing high heels I towered over the her I gave her a look before I moved past her.

Walking down the hall I heard the men wolf whistle as I walked past their cells rolling my eyes I walked into the main area of the police station. I looked up to see my mother and both my aunties there waiting for me.

I bit my lip I knew I had disappointed them once again when I saw their faces. My mother walks up to me taking my hand giving it a squeeze as if to say that I'll be okay, she kisses my cheek before walking over to the desk to collect my things.

I took my jacket from her even though it was cold outside I was feeling hot as we stepped outside. I looked up to see nearly every single biker from my uncles club waiting outside, when I looked back I saw pretty much all the police officers standing there watching to see if they would do anything. I rolled my eyes as I walked towards the black SUV but I was stopped when I heard Niko call out my name.

"Maria..." But when I looked up at him everything came running back through my mind again. The words he spoke. So I just shook my head and moved past him bumping into his arm as I made my way to the SUV, getting in as I ignored his pleas shutting the door on him. My mother took my hand in her as I lean my head on her shoulder "your going to be okay sweetheart" she says kissing my head. I shut my eyes tightly as I heard her voice it broke my heart knowing what I was doing to myself was bad.

Blade 'Doc'

When I saw her walk out of the police station I knew she was starting to come off whatever she took, she looked like hell. When Niko walked up to her to try and talk to her she just shook her head and walked past him. He was beating himself up for hours after Ángela spoke to him about what he said but sometimes he couldn't help it he was hotheaded.

As Maria got into the SUV Niko turned around and walked back to us. Everyone was on edge watching the police watch us, the police hated us and we hated them.

Some of the guys went back to the compound as some of us followed the SUV that was taking Maria to the cabin. I was one of them since I was the clubs doctor I stepped up to help Maria over come her habit. It hurt to see her go through what she did and now she was beating herself up for something that shouldn't of happened.



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