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After I told my father what had happened he went quiet for a few minutes before saying "I'm getting the next flight to the US" then hanged up on me.

I knew he was pissed and that wasn't good.

My dad was a bare knuckle champion when he was younger but when I came along he stopped and became a coach. My dad he didn't take shit from anyone and if you were rude to him he'd be rude back. He lived by one rule 'if you wanted respect you had to give respect'.

When he grew up his father, my grandfather was a boxer as well, so they would they would travel around the UK to the gypsy carnivals. Earning money as they fought. You see my fathers side are gypsies, you know the fortune teller type. People throughout the world think all gypsies are the same, they think we are all thefts but we're not.

My mother's side were just as plan Jane normal people but my mother died of cancer when I was only 16 it was hard on my father losing his love, his other half but he managed to get through it and raised me. He never turned to drinking or drugs. He was sad but he knew he would see her again but for now he had to look after me.

By the time my father got here I heard the news about Shadow and how Rider was going crazy not being able to find her. That poor little girl. I wasn't sure if Lizzie's kidnapping was to do with Shadow's.

When my father walked into the warehouse I ran straight into his arms "it's alright baby we will find her" he says as hug him tightly. I had tears running down my cheeks keeping my eyes shut I sobbed into his shoulder. I couldn't find Lizzie anywhere. It had been a day since we had found out she was missing but three days since we last heard from her.

I stepped back when my phone started to ring.

"Hey you alright?" I asked when I answered the phone.

"Ah yeah.. We are on lockdown and my uncle wants you here" Maria says making me sigh.

"My dads here I can't leave him and the rest of my crew I can't just leave I'm sorry yeah"

"You just have to be so stubborn. Bring them my uncle is breathing down my bloody neck trying to get everyone here plus trying to keep Rider calm! So get your fucking English ass to this clubhouse! NOW!" She yells I had to pull the phone away from my ear before she hangs up.

"What's going on?" My dad asks looking confused, I sighed as I placed my phone in my back pocket.

"We are on lockdown" I said but he still looks confused since we were never part of a motorcycle club. "My friends are part of a motorcycle club and their having some issues at the moment. They told her President about Lizzie and I guess they don't want anymore people going missing."

"Hm understandable" he nods his head picking up his duffle bag.

"Oh.. um.. Also Cliff.. his"

"Spit it out Moana" he says looking at me.

"Cliff is part of the club.." I said biting my lip.

"Your cousin?" I nod my head yes. "Wow...  I hadn't seen them in years.."

"Hm I haven't really spoken to him much, they just packed their stuff and left not even saying goodbye" I said shrugging my shoulders. "Put your bag in the car while I go pack some stuff" I said giving my father a kiss on the cheek.


4 cars pulled into the compound lot of the Devil Riders, there were already heaps of people here. Once I got out of the car I looked towards the gates that were being closed and locked. Biting my lower lip as I lead my crew into the clubhouse. "Oh my god fucking finally! Now my uncle can get off my back. You guys are the last ones to show" Maria says giving me a hug.

"Hmm.. where is your uncle?" I asked her as she pointed to his office, giving her a nod I walk to Alessandro's office with my father following behind. Once I've knocked I heard him call out, when we entered I introduced him to my father.

"So I hear my nephew has join" my father says as Alessandro gives him a nod.

"7 years now. His the clubs tech guy, he can do anything with that laptop of his." Alessandro says.

"Yeah he was always pretty smart like that." After a little more talking I went out of the office, everyone was sitting around eating food, drinking coffee, entertaining kids. As I kept looking around I couldn't find the one I was looking for.

"His in the gym" I jumped when I heard Reaper's husky scary voice next to me, when I finally looked up at him I gave him a nod and went to look for Rider.

When I got closer to the door that lead into the gym you could hear someone was punching a bag along with grunting. So when I opened the door I walked down the steps that lead to a big open underground gym area and right in the back corner was Rider, hair pulled back into one plait that ran down the middle of his sweaty bare back.

He was taking all his frustration out on the punching bag in front of him. His punches were hard like he imagined the guy that took his little girl was the bag.

I took a step closer to him and before I knew it I was holding the bag, Rider had stopped but I nodded for him to keep going and so he did. Each punch rattled throughout the bag and into me, when he finally stopped I looked up into his eyes they were full of tears. I stepped closer towards him as a tear fell I caught it with my thumb.

"We will find her, I promise"


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