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"Got it" Cliff yells out I walk over looking over his shoulder remembering the address before I turn around and headed out the doors I gave Zak a nod before he bangs on the roof of the car before yelling out 'Let's Go' making my crew get into their cars. Zak got into the drivers side as I was was getting into the passenger side.

I place the address into the nav-man before I looked behind me as the Devil Riders ran to their bikes and took off after us.

As we got closer to one of the vans that we needed to get I took off my jacket we were fast than the bikes when Zak pushed his foot down. "Be careful" Zak says as I give him a wink.

"Always" I said leaning over to kiss his cheek, climbing out of the passenger side window. The wind the hard against my skin I knew to tie my hair back in a tight bun before any job like this. I climbed onto of the roof as Zak got closer towards the van, the crew were closing in as well with support. Once Zak got the car closer to the van I jumped across landing on top of the roof, which made a loud bang.

I could tell that the driver was panicking because the van started to get faster with speed and start to swerve. Holding on as much as possible I slowly made my way to the back of the van, I managed somehow to open the back doors as I climbed my way in.

One of the guys that was sitting in the passenger side looked back and started yelling in Chinese as he came climbing into the back. He tried to grab me but I managed so how to push him out the back of the van. It was pretty hard to move around since it was covered in crates.

The driver was yelling at me swerving more than before I had to hold onto the side of the van while I made my way towards the front of the van. I pulled out my knife and held it against his throat "pull over" I said but he just keeps driving fast pass cars, pressing the knife against his throat harder "I said pull the fuck over"

As the Chinese guy slows down and pulls over to the side of the road but he slams his elbow into my stomach making me drop the knife and bend over winding me. I stumble back when he takes off again hitting my head on the side shaking my head to clear my vision of black spots.

I crawl towards the front of the van once again grabbing my dropped knife as I slam into the side of the driver, making him scream in pain. The van swerves cutting across the road heading for the ditch on the side of the road just as the van slams against a tree. Groaning in pain as my head was hurting I slowly climb out the back of the van.

I heard several tires skid to a stop I looked up to see Zak getting out of the car and rushing over to me as I see some of the Devil Riders stop as they got off their bikes.

"Fuck Mo, your bleeding" Zak says checking my head and the rest of me I wave him off.

"What the fuck was that Moana?" Cliff asks walking over to me as Clayton checks what's in the back of the van and Reaper pulls the Chinese guy out of the drivers seat. I walk over to Reaper pulling my knife out of the guy before turning around.

"Only half of my job" I said to a pissed of cousin of mine before turning to Zak "let's go" Zak nods his head and helps me back towards the cars, hearing them say it was half their supply.


We pulled up to the warehouse of the address that I had gotten off of Cliff. There was only one car and another van parked outside the warehouse but behind a locked gate.

I sighed throwing away the cloth that I was using to stop the bleeding from my forehead. "Take this" Zak says handing over a gun.

I hear the rumble of motorcycles behind me as I get out of the car, Lizzie follows behind me as we climbed over the fence. Staying low to the floor we don't see anyone around, we get closer to the van when I looked through the window to see Devil Riders kuttes. "Fuck" I say to myself.

Lizzie opens the driver side getting as I ran back to picklock the gate swinging it open when I finally got it. Reaper and Clayton run over to the back of the van looking inside to see if it was the rest of their shipment. They gave us the all clear once the door to the van was closed, banging on the van for Lizzie to start it up and head out. I looked towards the other car while Reaper and Clayton walked back over to their group.

Shaking my head I followed after them, having a feeling.

"Lizzie is heading back to your clubhouse and we will follow after you" I tell Alessandro as he gave us a nod.

"Thank you" He says giving him a forced smile before I turned around and headed back to Zak.

"You have a feeling don't you" he asks as soon as I got to him.

Nodding my head "Hmm, let's hang back" I said, waiting for the Devil Riders to leave so I could look around. If the leather kuttes were in the van then the guys would be around somewhere dead or alive.

So we all went in search to find something or someone but as soon as we walked inside there laid a body of a young guy. Couldn't of been more than 20 years old, Zak walked up to him kneeling down checking to see if he was alive but the bullet in his head told us otherwise.

"FUCK YOU!" We heard someone screaming I grabbed my gun from the back of my pants turning the safety off. It took us a while to find a door but when I opened the it there were a set of stairs, I walked behind Zak while he walked down the stairs first.

The sight that we saw was bad...

There sitting on the floor tied to the poles behind them were Digger and Rider. They were bloody and bruised.

Sighing to myself as I let my head hang "call Alessandro, tell them we found their men" I said to Zak as he nods his head.

The guys sitting on the floor were past out when I got closer I pulled out a bobby pin and picked lock their cuffs. Rider jumped up slamming me against the wall holding me by the neck as he looked at me with hate. Like he was ready to kill.

As his grip got tighter I was barely able to breathe. "R-Rider... I-it's me... Mo...Moana" I chocked out as much as I could. Once Zak was off the phone to Alessandro he came over to help pull Rider off of me, I landed on the floor coughing pulling air back into my lungs as Zak held Rider.

Rider must of snapped out of whatever he was in because he stopped fighting Zak and just looked at me with wide eyes. "Moana..." He says quietly, giving him a nod I could see the sadness in his eyes when I stood up.

Zak let go of Rider while I helped Digger I pulled off my shirt and wrapping it around Diggers leg I didn't care that I had a sports bra on I just knew I had to help stop this bleeding.

The crew helped Digger up the stairs as we got to our cars, they had already put the other guy in as well. When I looked at Rider I knew he was beating himself about what had happened and I don't blame him I would of done the same thing.

I just needed to go home and have a shower but we had more business to do before anything else...


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