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When I went to my mother's I had told her what had happened at the shop. She was in shock, she couldn't believe that he was here looking for me after all this time. My mother knew something was up about it but she couldn't put her finger on it and I actually believe her.

After all this time why would he come back?.

It was the day before I had to be at his place I had decided to go to see what he wanted. Was it risky? Yes! Was I going to get hurt? Who bloody knows..

I was in my office going through emails and the books before I heard someone knocking on the door. When I looked up I saw Maria standing there with some lunch in her hands.

"You better not be overdoing it," she says walking on placing the good smelling food on the desk in front of me.

"Me? Never!" We chuckle as I open up the bag, taking out the burger and fries I blow her a kiss before she takes a sit in front of me.

"What are you wearing to this dinner tomorrow?" She asks while eating her fries, I had called her the day my father came in here demanding that I go see him for dinner.

"I don't know.. I know he will judge me with whatever I wear, I know he was the other day when he was standing out there." I said as I ate my fries.

"You will let me know if anything happens right?" She asks as I give her a nod.

Throughout the day all I kept thinking was about tomorrow night, what was it going to be like? I had never met this lady before the woman that my father left my mother for. I knew they were going to judge me because of how I was, A half German half Latina girl who was covered in tattoos plus being a tattooist.

But I knew I had to face him and ask him why he left...

I drove past their gates and when I looked up at the house I just shook my head. Of course, he was rich.. of course, he had to show off everything.. in a huge mansion.

As I parked the car in front of the house a few guards walked over to me. "ID please," one of them asked I sighed as I took out my ID to show it to them, they gave me a nod. While I was getting out of the car I had to roll my eyes I followed them up the stairs of the house.

When I walked in I was shocked everything was so perfectly placed, photos up on the walls of a family that looked happy, paintings of artists work also surrounded the place. "Ah, Lucia you came" I heard my father's voice coming from upstairs but when he walked down he eyed me up and down shaking his head.

"Could have dressed a bit nicer?" he says as I looked down at my blue high waisted jeans with a black tube top that showed off my tattoo below my breasts topped with a leather jacket and high heel stilettos. I thought I looked good I even sent a photo to Maria asking if this was okay, her reply was.

'Fucking hot ass'

I had to stop myself from rolling my eyes at the comment he said. "Nothing wrong with how I dress," I said but he narrows his eyes and simply hums. That was when a woman walks down the stairs as she owned it in her experience silk dress.

"Darling this is my daughter Lucia," my father says as he places his hand on her back, she looked me up and down before faking a smile.

"Very nice to meet you, Lucia, I've heard a lot of you. My son Elliot should be here any minute now" she says I give her a nod before she turns to one of the maids asking if dinner is ready.

I could feel the judgement coming from them, they didn't have to say anything but the way they looked at me I felt uncomfortable and I hated it. Put me behind a tattoo machine and tattoo for hours straight I could do but this, this was fucked up...

As the maids lead us through the house and into a dining room each one pulled out the chair as we took our seats, I pulled off my jacket and placed it over m chair. I had said thank you as a maid poured our drinks while my father and Jenny said nothing as they just stared at my arms that were also covered in tattoos.

"I don't see why you had to cover your self in this disgusting ink," My father says but just as I was about to reply Elliot had walked in, a typical popular high school looking guy. One that is on the football team and that ruled the school and had girls falling at his feet type of guy.

"Sorry I'm late football practise," Elliot says before sitting down and that was when the maids had walked in with our food, there was barely anything on the plate. It was quiet when we started to eat until Jenny spoke.

"Your father had told us that you work?" She says.

I nodded my head "Yeah I own my own tattoo shop" I said looking over at my father. "and to your comment earlier I like tattoos that's why I am covered in them" he narrows his eyes at me as Jenny gasps.

"I'd watch what you say around here Lucia," He says before going back to his food.

I shook my head pushing away the plate that was in front of me "Why did you come looking for me? I know there is something you want so why don't you get to point" I said leaning back in the chair that I was sitting in. Hanging around Maria and the others has rubbed off on me, standing up for myself.

"A little birdy told me that you hang around with the local bikie gang and that will be stopping right now. No daughter of mine will be dealing with such filth." he looks at me in disgust "and you will not be dressing like some slut"

I had my hands in fists I was going to leap across the table and throw my fist into his face. "How dare you say shit like that to me," I said as Jenny gasps again while Elliot just eats his food as my father does the same. "Your the one that packed his shit and left to be with this woman. I had to grow up, to pay our bills, to put food on the table because my mum fell sick. Where were you? Oh, that's right fucking this bitch" I said standing up grabbing my jacket.

My father stands up as well kicking over his chair before rushing over to me pinning me against the wall with his hand around my neck squeezing slightly.

"You will do as you are told Lucia or I will take everything from you now get out of my house" he voice was deep and deadly it was supposed to scare me but I have been through this shit before. Working at the bar while Maria used to dance I was abused like this before because wouldn't l didn't give drunk idiots another drink.

"You may be my father but I am not scared of you," I said which landed me having a busted lip. My father had punched me which was the first time ever he had done this. I shook my head as he stepped back away from me I lick my lip as I tasted the blood I stare at him. "I am glad you walked out all those years ago," I said walking past him heading towards the front door.

"If I hear you are still hanging around that gang something bad will happen. Mark my words" My father yells out but I stuck the rude finger up and walked out the door towards my car and drove away.

Little did I know that his words were the truth...



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