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It had been a week since I had gotten out of the hospital and I was losing my mind, I wanted my parents back, I wanted my little boy. I had cried every day this week wondering if they were okay if they were hurt. I wanted them back now!

I hadn't spoken to anyone since leaving the hospital and I won't speak till their all back here safe.

Everyone tried to cheer me up but couldn't do it.

I was sitting at the bar after I had cleaned the place while everyone was asleep. I was drinking my coffee when I heard someone walking around behind me, when I looked over my shoulder I saw Alessandro walking into the clubhouse.

"Morning sweetheart," he says kissing me on the head before I got up to grab another cup of coffee for him, I placed it in front of him along with the newspaper, I poured myself another cup of coffee as I sat down next to him. Over the week of being here, I hadn't had much sleep, it was broken sleep. 2-3 hours max before I am up again worrying. I heard Alessandro sigh next to me when I took a sip of the hot coffee.

"We know where your parents are, the west charter's prez rang me to tell me they were safe at the clubhouse waiting for Braxton to join them." He says as my head snapped to look at him.

"What..." I whisper as he gives me a smile.

"They are at a safe house sweetheart, I am going to get a few guys to go a get them and bring them home. We are also going to bring home Braxton for you so no need to stay quiet around here sweetheart." He says I had tears in my eyes giving me a warm smile with a squeeze of the hand.

But I got up and hugged him tightly sobbing "T-thank you"

"It's okay, you know I would do anything for you and for the little guy. You guys are family and we look out for family" he says as I nod my head I heard someone walk out into the room, when I looked over my shoulder I saw Niko.

Niko gives me a small smile while walking over to us kissing me on the cheek "How are you feeling today?" he asks me but I give him a nod.

I will only be okay when they are back here and I can hug them.


The guys were about to leave to head west and they were leaving a few guys here to protect us while we were here waiting. I stood outside in the cool air watching the guys staddle up each bike of duffle bags which had clothing and weapons packed inside.

I turned to watch Niko pull off his sweaty shirt as he looks through his bag for a clean shirt. I moved to stand in front of him I held open his leather club jacket as he slides his arms in putting it on. I felt my chin being raised by his finger as he looks down at me.

"I said I'll bring them back and I'll do just take whether I have to take a bullet or not" he says to me but I shake my head.

"I need you to come home to just as I need them" I lean up to kiss his cheek but he holds on to my waist bringing my lips to his. Everyone must of seen us because we could hear clapping and wolf whistling going all around us. Which was making me blush as I hide my face in his chest feeling his chest rise while he chuckles.

"When I get back I'm making you mine" Niko whispers into my ear making me gasp as he steps back swinging his leg over his bike just like everyone else. I couldn't help but stand there in shock after what he said, as everyone started their bikes he turned his head and winked at me before he took off after Alessandro as everyone followed behind.

"Well that was something.." Maria says swinging her arm around my shoulders. "Let me guess he said his going to make you his when he gets back?" I turned my head to look at her.

"H-how did you know?"

"Well miss Bella I had the same look when Blade told me" she says giggling as I shake my head.

I sighed as I ran a hand through my hair "I just want them all back safely" I said as she nodded her head.

"I know you do and those men will do anything to they can to bring them home safely."

"Yeah I know.. let's just hope so" I said before turning on my heels and walking inside feeling my lips tingle from the kiss that Niko just gave me.


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