Chapter 30

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I could feel the tension in the room of the clubhouse every single person was staring at me as Ángela told them what happen when the Sons of Chaos' enforcer came and visited. I could see from the corner of my eyes Blade was turning his hands into fists over and over again.

I would be doing the same thing if someone had threatened the club but at the end of the day, Danny Stone and his club did bring it on themselves messing with the Devil Riders MC.

"The club is on lockdown and that means the estate too. I need about 10 more men to help just in case they have another lot of people we don't know. Doc I need you to get supplies ready just in case as well. Everyone load up we are going to war!" My uncle yells out as all the men cheered getting up to start getting ready.

Doc immediately went down to the infirmary to get ready not even 20 minutes later he walks out with a duffle bag full of emergency supplies. I watched him as he walked over to Clayton who was handing out weapons to everyone.

Once he was done loading up his bike he turns to me, walking over to me. "Were going to be okay baby" he says taking my face in his hands.

I shook my head "The last time my father got ready for something like this, he and my uncle never came home that day. I-I never got to say goodbye. I-I never got to say that I loved him one last time." I told him as I wipe the tears that fell away.

After that day everything turned to shit.

Blade kisses my forehead "It's going to be okay, I will come back to you. I promise you." he gives me a small smile as he leans in to kiss my lips.

"Please be careful," I said as I wrap my arms around his waist.

"I will baby" with one last kiss we gave to each other he got onto his bike waiting for the rest.

As everyone said goodbye to each other I went to stand next to my aunt Ruby as she wraps an arm around my shoulders, I lean my head against her shoulder.

"He loves you," she says as Blade looks over his shoulder at us before they ride out of the compound. "He looks at you like Reaper looks at Stella and how Clayton looks at Angela. With love in his eyes and I know you love him I could tell from before you left all those years ago. Don't be scared baby because finding your true love only happens once and baby girl you have found him and he's not letting you go anytime soon." she smiles at me giving me a wink before walking inside after the ladies.

As I remain standing there looking at the closed gates of the compound a smile forms on my face, I do love Blade I've always have but yes I was scared to tell him before I left. No one would have wanted a broken little girl like me... But Blade showed me I wasn't broken anymore, he looked over the scars and saw the beauty behind it all. He saw who I really was.

But right now I was scared what if he didn't come home? What if something really bad happens... I don't think I could lose him now that he's back in my life.

That's what it's like becoming a girlfriend of a biker you never know if they will come back whole or not. Sometimes you just have to believe that they will always come home to you.

So everyone waited for the guys to return, there was tension in the air and you could feel it. The worry of if any of the guys would come home alive, it was making me feel sick, as I sat with Bella and Lucy.

Bella hadn't said much as she bit her finger nail while Lucy played 'go fish' with Braxton. I held onto Bella's hand giving it a squeeze, I knew she was more worried about Niko than anyone else.


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