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Yesterday afternoon when Ashley was in class I packed my bags and left, I needed to go home. I needed my family. After losing the baby that I never knew I had I felt like I needed my mum and dad. I hadn't been to classes for over 3 weeks now and my parents were ringing non stop along with Braxton texting as well, I just couldn't get out of bed. I was way to busy thinking and crying to really deal with anything at the moment.

To be honest I just didn't care anymore..

I did leave Ashley a letter explaining why I wasn't there and cash to help till she finds someone else to move in. I drove past the sign that lead me to my home town, I decided to head to the house first seeing if my mother was there and I was right when I pulled up in the drive way.

As I got out of the car she had opened the front door, looking surprised at first till she saw what I looked like. Messy bun, no make up, dark circles, pale skin looking like I was sick. A pair of jeans and a tank top not really caring what I looked like. "Shadow? Baby what's happened?" She asks me when she was standing in front of me.

I closed my eyes before opening them a tear had escaped before she pulled me into a hug. "Whatever it is, it's going to be okay. Come on let's get you inside" she says stoking my back, as she walks inside I follow behind taking a deep breath.

My mother leads me to the couch "what's going on baby? Why aren't you in class?" She asks me.

"I-I just needed to come home... something.. something happened" I said taking another deep breath I told her what had happened. She couldn't believe that someone had burnt down the garage but when I told her about the baby that was emotional because she knew what it was like to not be able to have kids...

"Have you told Braxton yet?" She asks me after she holds me in her arms. I shook my head no and she understood it was hard for me, for anyone to relieve anything like that to someone. "Well you have some time to think what you are going to say because they all went on a run."

I knew a few weeks ago that my parents were fighting over me doing the street racing but they never went into detail about it since it was their business. Knowing my father he would come crawling back on his hands and knees for my mother, he loved her very much and she loved him just the same.

They had their fights but they wouldn't leave each other, they knew that they were it for each other.

"I'm sorry mum" I said as I lay my head on her shoulder.

"No baby don't be sorry, it's not your fault. Just sometimes things happen to people. One day you will have your own family but it just wasn't the right time." She says squeezing my hand before kissing my head.

"I'm scared to tell him, what-what if he blames me for losing the baby."

"I know your scared but he needs to know, he might be pissed or he might be upset but he will calm down eventually over time." I bit my lip thinking about how he would react to it all.

Would he blame me?

"Why don't you go lay down and have some rest while I make you your favourite dinner" she says I lifted my head off her shoulder giving her a really small smile.

"It's going to be okay baby" she says kissing my forehead before helping me up off the couch.

"Thank you mum. I love you" I said as I hugged her tightly.

"Baby I love you so so much, you had me worried there for a bit but I'm glad your here and your okay" She says stoking my cheek.

As I laid down my phone ding with a message from Braxton 'I miss you' were the words that made me cry into my pillow it's not that I didn't love him. I did so so much, I missed him so so much but it broke my heart knowing that I had to tell the guy I have loved all my life that he was going to be a father but not anymore... I could see the way his eyes would be as I closed my 'trying' to get some sleep.



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