Chapter 8

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It had been over a week since the attack I hadn't been to work at all, staying at home waiting for my body to heal. Tor had called my uncle to tell him what had happened, I had heaps of missed calls from my whole family but I just couldn't get myself to answer the phone.

"Why don't you go see your ma babe," Lucy says handing me a cup of coffee, as I take it I shake my head.

"I can't..." I sighed.

"What's so bad about being at home with people that love you"

I run a shaky hand through my hair before I take a sip of my coffee. "It's just... I left without telling anyone... it's just complicated" She nods her head understanding.

I did want to see my mother I missed her heaps, I missed everyone.


Could I really go home? Could I face everyone and explain why I left? Could I face the one person that I had feelings for? The one that didn't make me feel used and abused?

All of this and more were running through my mind as I sat on the couch not paying attention to the tv, even my coffee had gone cold.


2 days later

I had my bags packed as I closed the door of the boot of the car, Lucy had convinced me to go see my family. Lucy gave me a small smile as she pulled me into a hug.

"Text me when you get there babe, so I know that you got there safe." She says as I nodded my head.

"I will don't worry" I kiss her cheek before I turn to open the driver side of the car. I knew I was gonna miss Lucy, we became friends when I walked into the tattoo parlour one day. She is the receptionist during the day but works at the strip club at night, her body is covered in tattoos. I loved her to bits she was my best friend but I couldn't tell her my secrets.. not yet...

As I started the car, I looked at Lucy as she waved and blew me a kiss before I drove out of the parking lot of our apartments car park.

I gripped the steering wheel hard, my knuckles had turned white as I took the road that would take me to New Jersey. I turned up the music full blast as I sang along to whatever came on, I looked into the mirror as I drove along the open road. You could still see the bruises and cuts they hadn't gone away, my neck was black and purple as I could barely see out of my eye still.

It had been hours since I left Lucy standing in the parking lot of our apartment complex, no one knew I was coming.

I feel the wind through my hair, I could feel the sun burning my skin as I rested my left arm on the open window sill of the car as my other handheld onto the steering wheel, hearing the engine roar down the road. Driving past red country dirty before I see the sign of the town that I had been away from for nearly four years, the town I grew up in and the town that I had come to hate all at the same time.

Running a hand through my hair I felt nervous about coming back to everything, I thought about everyone while I was gone. My two happy cousins both with husbands and kids, then there was Niko who was happy in his own way with all the girls that hang off of him while helping out with the MC alongside his father, my uncle Alessandro.

Of course, there was Doc... Blade... who am I kidding I knew he wasn't going to want me now after I left all those years ago without so much as a goodbye... But he still ran through my mind nearly every night.

When I was pulling into the huge compound that my uncle Marco had own which belong to our grandfather Luca D'Amore but now it was owned by my cousin Angela who was now the boss of this mafia family. It's crazy how it all worked out in the end, how things came so close to ending a life...

When I got out of the car I was greeted by the guards who took their jobs pretty serious here. Telling them who I was and showing them my ID, of course, I was allowed to go inside but I was greeted by the maids. Looking around the place it hadn't changed at all really when I was about to ask one of the maids where my mother was I heard her voice. I smiled closing my eyes for just a moment before I opened them and turned around to see her walking down the stairs.

When she got to the bottom of the staircase she looked up from speaking on the phone, she stopped dead in her tracks with her mouth open wide. "Please tell me it is really you...."

"Hey mama," I say softly before she rushes over to me pulling me into a bear hug.

"Oh my... My baby is home. God, I have missed you so very much." She says smiling as wide as she can, my eyes were filling up with tears before they started to fall. I pretty much broke down right then and there in the middle of the living room as she held me to her.

I was home... but would I stay?

What do you think will happen now Maria is home?


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