Chapter 16

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It had been a few days since that night I was at the club with Lucy and Bella and let's just say I don't remember much. I had woken up in Blade's room and I don't remember falling asleep in here, I did notice a very handsome, naked, tattooed back lying next to me when I was woken up. It took every fibre in me not to touch him but I couldn't I knew that, so I got up and got myself dressed. If he was awake I wouldn't have known because he didn't move.

I had spent the last few days hiding away, not showing my face around the clubhouse because I knew Niko would be asking questions about what happened the other night. I just couldn't go through talking about it when I knew I was at my lowest point. When Bella and Lucy had told me what had happened, how I yelled at Blade and how he yelled back at me I couldn't believe that I had said that.

I had never been the jealous type because I never had a boyfriend but seeing Blade with that girl, it turned something inside me and made me feel like no one ever wanted me. So for the last few days, I had been getting myself high because I couldn't let myself feel like shit.

It felt good not wanting to feel like that for a while but I knew when I ran out and was coming off the drug that would be the worst.

Tonight I wanted to get out so I headed to Fallen Angel's since I knew Lucy was working. As I walked inside I nodded to the guard that was at the door I could hear the music playing as I came around the corner. People were watching the girls dance around poles and on the stage as I walked up to the bar. As Lucy saw me she gave me a smile before finishing off the order she was making.

"Hey girly, how are you feeling?" she asked when she walks over to me, but one look at me she knew I was high. "Feeling better I guess" she laughs shaking her head I gave her a wink.

"Can I have a whisky and coke babe?" I asked as she nods her head getting back at it, I sit at the bar turning around to look over who was here. Sighing to myself I shook my head, I knew they would be here they always came here if the clubhouse was having a quiet one.

The Devil Rider's were sitting in the corner watching the girls as they drank whatever they were drinking.

"Thank you, Lu," I said as Lucy places the drink in front of me I felt someone sit next to me turning to face me and from the corner of my eye I knew who it was.

"What do you want Niko," I asked before turning to face him as he was glaring at me.

"Hmm, I don't know Maria maybe someone should tell me what the hell happened the other night at that club? You were out of it, you were on drugs, Maria. That's not like you cuz" he says shaking his head.

"Well sorry to disappoint you there VP but it is me, I have been like this for about 4 years now" I laughed shaking my head.

"What are you talking about? Are you on now?" he asks before turning my head towards some light to look into my eyes. "Jesus fucking christ Maria" he shakes his head.

I took a sip of my drink before I placed it down I took a deep breath before I spoke "I tried... Ma took me to get help but I couldn't..." I shook my head once more. "So I left"

"But you didn't come home..." he spoke and I knew what he was going to ask what I was doing over the years that I happened been home. "What were you doing for money then?"

"I worked" I looked up at Lucy as she poured me another drink, she gave me look before I turned to face Niko as his eyebrow lifted. "I am not telling you how I was getting my money Niko."

"Like hell your not. You weren't selling yourself, were you? Fucking hell Maria please tell me you weren't being a slut out there" I could see him start to shake with rage. The words were supposed to hurt me but I had been called worse so it didn't bother me anymore.

"What's going on?" Clayton walks over with Doc as they both looked between us but I kept my eyes on Niko.

"What were you doing for work Maria?" Niko asked once more before standing up getting in my face but I kept my eyes locked on his. I licked my lips and shook my head no as I stood up as well I gave Lucy some money for the drinks before I turned to walk away but Niko grabbed my wrist turning me to face me. "You're not going anywhere unless you tell me"

I looked up at Niko the glare he was giving should of made me run away crying but I didn't care anymore, that's how I felt when I was high. It made me feel brave like I could take on the world.

I stepped closer to Niko as I pulled out my switch blade knife holding it to his throat I could see Doc and Clayton step closer to us. "Leave me alone I am not afraid of you Niko. You may be a VP but you don't own me" I said. I felt someone grab me by my waist pulling me back away from Niko as he just stand there glaring at me.

Niko walks up to me leaning down to say "Maybe you should of just stayed away" he steps back glaring at me but walks past me. That had made me tense up..

Maybe you should of stayed away

Maybe I should of...

Someone takes the knife out of my hand before I could see Blade fold it up and place it in the back of his jeans. He lifts my head up to look at him, he sighed as he saw the tears in my eyes as he leans down to kiss me on the forehead.

"Do you need me to take you home?" He asks but I shake my head no.

"I'll be fine... like I always am." I shrugged as I step back away from him, being so close to Blade made me want to melt right in his arms but I couldn't he had moved on.

"Maria... let me"

"No Blade. I'm fine" I kept shaking my head no I turned to away out the clubs doors. I wiped the tears that fell as soon as I stepped out of the club rushing to my car. I didn't look back my heart felt heavy hearing from a family member that I shouldn't of came back..

"Stupid.. stupid.. stupid" I hit my head as I drove away.



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