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It had taken a week for me to come out of the coma that I was in. I had woken up to Jordan holding my hand when I squeezed his hand he woke up from his sleep. He looked like he hadn't slept for a few days, dark circles surrounded his eyes. "Lu... Oh thank god your awake" he says but I looked at him confused.

"You have been in a coma for a week baby," He says "You were in a car accident, you ran a red light" I looked down at my other hand seeing the cast that I had on but I could still see half my hand which had cuts from the glass as trying to remember what had happen.. after a few minutes it all came rushing back to me.

Going to the clubhouse to speak to Maria asking about my father then my mind goes to me having a go at my father for something. Feeling confused till I pulled my hand free from Jordan's grip as my mind goes back to Jordan yelling at me about my father...

"Get out," I say softly not looking at him.

"Lucy baby.."

"Get. Out"

"No," He says as he leans back in his chair but I just shake my head closing my eyes before the nurse walks into the room to check on me and when she sees that I am awake she smiles softly telling me know that a doctor will be in shorty. Jordan tries speaking to me again but I don't say anything till that doctor walked in along with my mother, grabbing my fingers of my broken arm she gives them a soft squeeze before the doctor starts to speak.

"How are you feeling Lucia?" he asks but I just give him a nod "Well when you were brought in, they had to cut you from the car. You had run a red light and another car crashed into you, you had some metal stuck in your thigh but we have removed that. You have a broken left arm along with cuts and bruises but you had a bleed on the brain so we would like to keep you for a few days to make sure it doesn't come back" The doctor says waiting for me to speak but I don't so my mother speaks for me.

"Thank you, doctor," she says giving my fingers a squeeze once again.

"I will let the nurse know to give you some pain killers." the doctor says before leaving the room, I finally look at my mother as she gives me a soft smile before turning to Jordan asking him to leave so she could speak to me.

Jordan leans over to kiss my cheek but I turn away from him hearing him sigh before he leaves the room. "I was so worried baby," My mother tells me before taking a seat next to the bed never leaving my hand, my eyes started to sting. "I can't lose you" I could see the tears in hers before they fell which made mine fall to.

"I...I'm sorry mum" 

"Don't be sorry baby, I know what happen. Maria filled me in so did your father," she says as I go tense, she sighs "His here wanting to speak with you but I won't let that happen, I told Alessandro what I knew about your father so they are up to date. They are not mad at you baby girl. Maria told me you left the clubhouse because Jordan was yelling at you?" 

I nodded my head yes "He thought I knew about what granddad did but I didn't and then I went straight to dads and confronted him but he didn't say anything" I said as I wiped away the tears that ran down my cheeks.

 After my mother had left since she was getting tired I was sitting alone just staring down at my hands. I took a deep breath and with a shaky hand, I lifted the blankets off of me looking down at my thighs one was covered in a bandage, it took up all of my thigh when I had enough I just covered myself up. Leaning my head back against the pillows I heard his voice.

"I am so sorry Lu..." Every time I heard his voice it made me smile but now... it makes my heartache. I heard his boots hit the floor making me realize that he was getting closer to me. "Baby I didn't mean to yell at you saying all those things about you,"


It had been a 2 whole months since the accident my arm was finally out of the cast and I was limping while I walked. When I couldn't walk for a while I had to have therapy to get the strength back in my leg again, I cried every day feeling so defeated.

But now as I walk into my tattoo parlour I was feeling better, I made sure I got back to work as soon as possible. My mother was getting sicker each week that past we had to move her into a hospital, she knew it was her time but I didn't want to believe that. As I just finished tattooing a client April rushed in, the look on her face I knew it was that time. 

I grabbed my bag and rushed out of the door as fast as I could, driving as fast as I could straight to the hospital. When I got to her room I rushed to her side letting her know that I was there for her.

"I love you, baby girl," she says as we both held each other, throughout the night I stayed awake watching my mother fade away I laid my head down and cried.

I hadn't spoken to anyone even though my phone was ringing off the hook, I hadn't left the house and I hadn't answered the door when someone knocked on it. I had been just staring into space as I sat in the living room, I couldn't believe that my mother was now gone. 

I finally got off the couch and made my way to the clubhouse, when I walked through the doors everyone stopped what they were doing to look over at me. Rolling my eyes I walked up to the bar and told the prospect to get me a shot of whiskey and to leave the bottle. 

I felt someone sit next to me at the bar and when I looked to see who it was Maria winked at me as the prospect gave her a shot glass. She clicked hers with mine as we both took a shot. "I'm so sorry hun," she says grabbing my hand giving it a squeeze as I just stare at the shot glass in front of me, I poured more of the whiskey into the glass before I put it to my lips and drink the liquid. 



Sorry I have been MIA, just having major writers block at the moment.


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