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"Come on let's get you to bed," Niko says rubbing his hands up and down my arms, I nodded my head and went to move to open the door but once again he stops me. "You're staying in here where I can keep watch. I don't trust this little prick"

Once again I nodded my head he walks over to his dresser and pulls out a shirt and some sweats, he hands them to me and nods his head over to the bathroom. "Take a shower," he says.

When I took the shower it felt amazing, after being on my feet all night at the diner and after I believed that Kevin had sent me the message. It just felt good to hop into a shower and relax as the water rushed over me.

When I got out I had dried myself and pulled on the t-shirt I pulled on the pants but they were way too big so I just left me off. I came back into the room wear Niko was listing in the edge of his bed looking in front of him with his chin in his hands.

I placed the pants onto a chair and that was when he turned to look at me, as he stood up I could see that he was now in his boxers. His naked chest was on display you could see the outlines of his 6 pack and the scars that weren't covered in tattoos.

I felt his eyes run over me as I just stood there. "The pants were too big," I say I kept pulling down the shirt but I knew it wouldn't go any farther down past my thighs. I wasn't the skinniest girl around but I wasn't the biggest either, after having Brax I did put on a few kgs but it went to my thighs. I went over to the bed pulling the covers back as Niko did the same thing "Are you sure this is okay? I-I can just go to my room"

"Bella I'm sure, now get into bed," he tells me before he turns off the bedroom light, by the time we were lying in bed it was past 3 am. I was so tired because my eyes couldn't stay open any longer.


When I had woken up I couldn't move there was something heavy around my waist when I looked at the clock it was 11 in the morning but as I laid my head back down and wiggled to get comfortable Niko behind me groan. "You have to stop Bella.," he says in a husky morning voice. And I did just that but I couldn't help but hide my face into the pillow, it had been the best night sleep I had in a long time. I didn't wake up sweating or someone poking my face or even the alarm going off.

"Are you hiding?" Niko asks with a chuckle as he tightens his arm around my body but I shook my head still face down in the pillow. "You have gone all shy"

I turn my head to face him but I kept my eyes closed. I could feel him move a piece of hair from my face and behind my ear, before he leans in and whispers into my ear "Good morning beautiful." my breath got caught in my throat when he said that to me.

Was it just me or was it hot in here.

Before anything else could happen there was a knock on the door, Niko got up to see who it was. "Hey man, I found who the number behind to and a whole lot of informant too," Cliff says as I open my eyes I see Niko nod his head.

"I'll be out in a minute," Niko says before shutting the door, I sit up in bed watching him pull on his jeans and a shirt but then I decided I wanted to come look to so I pulled on my jeans leaving his shirt on me. "Bella what are you doing?" he asks me.

"I wanna know what he's up to," I said before I walk out of his room towards Cliffs' room I could hear Niko following me.

"So what have you got?" Niko asks when we came into his room.

"There isn't much to go on really, Kevin Adams 23 years old he has an older brother who has just gotten out jail. Their mother had died while their father is alive, but I pulled up some hospital records it says that he's been to hospital a few times for having episodes. The doctors have claimed him as a psychopath." Cliff says sitting in his chair.

"So his a psycho... Great. Thanks, man let me know anything else and keep track of his number" Niko said before Cliff nods his head and wave him off.

Kevin was always short-tempered but I thought he got that from his mother since his father was a lovely man but now that I know that his a psycho it made things 10 times scarier.

I was scared and I needed my little boy home.



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