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It had been a week I spent most of that time at the hospital sitting in Alice' room, I did go back to the shop to clean up after the police were finished with it but really I hadn't left Alice' side. She had woken up a few times but the nurses gave her more drugs to help her with the pain which made her fall asleep.

I was sitting by the window when I heard her cough and groan, I stood and made my way over to her taking her hand in mine. "Hey, you feeling okay?" I asked as I took a seat in the chair next to her bed.

As she looks over she gives me a nod, just as a nurse walks in asking how she was feeling. As Alice barely spoke as the nurse asked her a few questions I was wondering what was going on, when the nurse had gone Alice finally spoke. "I need to tell you something" looking down at her hands.

I waited for her to continue, "when that guy came into the shop, he ugh... he said something to me." She sighed as she ran a hand through her hair pushing it away from her eyes. "He told me to tell you that he was coming for you.." I looked at her in shock as I saw a lone tear fall down her cheek. "He... he said I had to pass on the message. I-I.. I'm so sorry Lucy I-I didn't know who he was, I've never seen him in my life before."

"It's okay" I said as I grabbed a hold of her hand giving it a squeeze. "I'm not angry at you I just can't believe this happened to you. I understand if you want to step away from working with me in the future"

Alice shakes her head no "no I love working with you all" giving me a small smile.

"I know it's hard to think back but can you remember what this guy looked like?"

"He-he had a scar over his left eye... that's all I remember because he only wore black and he was in a hoodie." Alice tells me I immediately went stiff, I knew exactly who she was talking about. "Are you okay Lucy?" She asked as I blinded a eyes a few times giving her a nod.

"Yeah, I will be back later today to see how you are get some rest and I'll bring you some dinner later." I said as she gives me a nod I squeezed her hand once more before I grabbed my bag from the floor and left her room.

When I got to my car I left like someone was watching me and I had to get outta there but I had to the clubhouse to talk to Maria.


When I pulled up to the compound, I saw that most of the bikes were parked up as I looked around more I saw Maria's car. I walked into the clubhouse I looked around a few of the guys were sitting around and some sweet butts were hanging off them, I saw something I wish I didn't..

"Hey girly" I hear Maria say as she looks at me and immediately she places the case down and walks over to me "what's wrong?" She asks as I shook my head.

"I need to speak to you and Alessandro..." I tell her as she looks at me before giving me a nod taking my hand we walk over to her uncles office. Alessandro looks up from the papers he had on his desk nodding to Maria to close the door. "What is it that you need to talk to us about?" He asks as he leans back in his chair while Maria took a seat as well.

"You know how I told everyone a few weeks ago about how I came to be here?" I asked as he gave me a nod to continue. "I was with Alice earlier and she told me about her attack. She told me that this guy who attacked her told her to give me a message..."

"What's the message?" Maria asks as I took a deep breath and let it out.

"He told her that he was coming for me" I wiped the lone tear away. "His back and his looking for me" I look at Maria and she knew who I was talking about.

"I'll kill him..." she says before Alessandro holds up a hand to stop her.

"The guy that attacked you a few years ago is here looking for you and he attacked your girl?" He asks before I give him a nod. "Right your on lockdown and I'll take this to the table to see what the guys want to do"

"No" I said shaking my head making Alessandro lift his eyebrow. "I just wanted to tell you guys because I have been thinking about going home for while."

Maria stands up "Back to Germany?" She asks giving her a nod I could see sadness in her eyes.

"Thank you for everything both of you" I said giving them both a nod before I walked out of the office, I heard my name being yelled from Maria as she rushed out behind me stopping me as pulled on my arm.

"You can't leave" she says shaking her head making everyone in the room stop what they were doing. "Your my best friend Lucy and we can help you"

"I know but I don't want anyone else hurt.. his already hurt Alice and who knows who else he will come after to get to me" I said "I'm sorry Maria but I have to" pulling her into a hug, when I looked behind her I noticed Digger looking at us with a sweet butt on his lap. A tear fell as I closed my eyes "look after him for me" I whisper in her ear before getting go.

I turned and walked out of the clubhouse towards my car but that feeling of being watched again came back and this time I knew exactly who it was because he was leaning against a SUV before pushing himself off his car and walking into the compound.

"You were hard to hard to find but when your father told me that you were here I had to find out for myself." He says smirking at me, making me stop as I looked at him it made all the memories come rushing back. I didn't realise that the clubhouse doors opened to people walking out till I heard someone speak.

"What are you doing here?"

All I kept doing was stare at the guy in front of me the guy that was my boss's bodyguard, the guy that attacked me and haunted my dreams.

"I've come to take Lucia home" he says as I felt my chest tighten and my breathing became heavy.

"She's not going anywhere" I heard Alessandro say as Maria came to stand next to me. "You need to get off my property" he says as the club move to stand in front of me.

"Well it's either me take her or her father will and it won't be pretty" the guy says.

"Why does my father want me so badly?" I finally spoke up, everyone turned to look at me.

"Because my dear, your father sold you to me so I could have his empire when he finally retired." When he said those words I was trying to catch my breath but I couldn't.

"Maria get her inside. Now" Alessandro says.


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