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While I was in the hospital Alessandro finally got his revenge on David Garcia, Lucy's father. Lucy gave him the okay to do so, after what her father did to everyone she had no heart for him anymore. She even came to me asking for advice about what should happen. I gave her the truth. I told her what he told me when he had his men kidnap Lizzie, Shadow and myself and she completely understood.

My father hasn't moved from my side and to be honest, I don't blame him I wouldn't be going anywhere to if I nearly lost my only daughter. I was angry with myself that I got in that situation I should have stayed at the clubhouse and now because of it I will never be able to have children. I was so mad I hadn't spoken to anyone but my dad and Lucy. I don't know why it wasn't their fault or anything but I was just mad at the world I guess.

I couldn't stay at the clubhouse because getting the news that I did I felt horrible, I felt that the world was against me seeing these kids run around. I wanted that I wanted a family like that. I wanted to grow up and watch my very own children grow up. So I just stayed at the warehouse with my crew since Alessandro told us that lockdown was over. I got straight into work on the cars again it only took me a day of bed rest at home then I was up with my dad nagging me to lay down.

"Dad I can't I'm going crazy," I said to him "I need to do something"

"Okay just take it easy okay?" He says kissing my cheek before helping out the guys with something.

I took a deep breath but suddenly regretted doing it because it made my ribs hurt like hell but I carried on like nothing happened as I walked on my car.


I was sitting on the couch while Shadow played with her dolls on the floor I looked over at her when she called for me. "Daddy? Do you like Mo?" She asks me as I looked at her confused.

"Why do you ask baby?"

She gets up and walks over to me I pull her onto my lap. "She saved me, Daddy," she says running her hand over her Dolly's hair. "She helped me with my bad dreams... just like you do Daddy"

"When can we go see her?" She looks up at me with her doe eyes, the same eyes that she always does when she wants something.

"Soon baby, she's on bed rest at the moment but when she's feeling better I'll take you to see her okay?" I said kissing her head as she nods.

No one has seen Moana or even heard from her in over a week and Shadow kept asking about her. So I decided to go see what's happening, I helped Shadow out of the truck when I got to her warehouse. Lizzie looks up from the couch as she makes her way over to us smiling at Shadow when she runs to Lizzie "Hey"

"Hey, Liz! We came to see Mo!" Shadow excitedly claps her hands.

Lizzie looks up at me give me a small smile before looking down at Shadow "oh that's good hun but she's not here"

"Where is she?" I asked walking up to them.

"Ugh... Shes..." she stumbles to say making me raise an eyebrow. "With her dad.." she mumbles biting her lip looking away from me.

"When will she be back?"

"A couple of hours" she rubs the back of her neck.

I give her a nod "we will come back later" I said as Shadow hugs Lizzie.

"Liz! Quick we gotta go!" I heard Zak yell "were going to be late for the race!" I looked at Lizzie but she doesn't make eye contact with me before she says bye and rushed after Zak. I text Cliff the number plate of Zak's car telling him to track it before I headed to the clubhouse.

When I got there Shadow went off to play with Braxton as I went over to Cliff. "Who's?"


"Hmm looks like they're heading out of town," Cliff says watching the ping of the tracker, I felt someone walk up to see what was going on but before I could see who it was they cursed under their breath before taking off.


"You have got to be kidding me," I said groaning as I put my phone back into my pocket. I had just got a message from Maria saying that the boys had Zak traced.

"What's the matter, love?" My dad asks standing up as he wipes his hands.

"The Devil Riders were tracing Zak's car. Looks like we're about to have company I didn't want here" I said looking around at the people who came to race. Rosetta was around somewhere with her crew that's how we got on so well. Her man was the king of all races he won every race but since this was illegal racing he got caught and was now in jail.

"You haven't told them about this?" My father asks.

"Only the girls," I said as he nods his head.

"Ah, my little homegirl" I heard Rosetta say as she walks over to me giving me a hug. I had told her what happened to me when she saw me black and blue lying in bed. She wanted to put a hit out on the guy till I told that the Devil Riders had taken care of it.

"How are you feeling?" She asks as I give her a smile.

"Doped up to my eyeballs in pain killers but I'm fine," I said as we both laughed I could see my father smiling but shaking his head.


As the night went on, it became hot. Girls wore barely anything while dancing or hanging off the guys that raced. I had several races tonight and I was only halfway through them waiting for the next race I heard the sound of heaps of motorcycles, throwing my head back groaning I banged my car with my fist. "You alright Mo?" Zak asks as I looked over at him giving him a nod. 

As I got to the starting line I stayed inside my car waiting for my next race to start again, I felt eyes on me not just the crowds but someone I knew made me shiver every time I thought of him. My cars windows were tinted black so no one could see in but I could see out find and when I did look out to my right I saw them all even the girls.

Shaking my head I turned it so I could watch the lights waiting for them to turn green one hand was on the steering wheel and the other was on the gear shift. I was ready, ready to win and ready to get the fuck outta here. 



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