Chapter 1

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**Disclaimer: the first chapter is a prologue.

The courtyard of the Jedi Temple is known for its peaceful atmosphere; it's total tranquility. Master's and Padawan's alike come here when they need to focus, or when they need some time away from the ever busy training room.

A singular sunbeam dances off the large, glass door leading into the courtyard. Young Y/N, who decided to flee from Master Yoda's boring attempts of training the Younglings, instantly felt engulfed by the warmth and general sense of calm.

The dull, musty air of the training room is exhausting for Y/N. She doesn't enjoy learning in the ancient ways passed down through generations. No, she finds it much easier to learn from modern often unconventional methods, much to the dismay of several Jedi Masters.

At merely 12 years old, Y/N is not yet considered eligible for the status of Jedi Padawan. She often wonders if this curiosity will impact her chance of becoming a Padawan.

Vibrant green plants paired with the soothing sound of gentle running water puts her mind at ease. She doesn't understand why she must train in a group of other Younglings her age when she could easily learn far more on her own in this environment. 

Yes, Y/N comes here a lot to practice her abilities. She has a burning ambition to become a Padawan at a young age, much like a certain Chosen One who recently joined the Order. She is remarkably well-informed of the ways of the Jedi, though no Master has ever shared such knowledge. The Chief Librarian of the Jedi Archives, Jocasta Nu, seems to be the only one who is aware of the amount of time she spends reading the Archives.

Y/N approaches the far corner of the courtyard, where there is a small garden of rocks and pebbles. In the centre is a large boulder with Aurebesh inscriptions. It's considered an artefact of mystery within the Order, and as such is treated with great care.

She kneels on the ground before the garden and closes her mind. She listens to her emotions, and allows her feelings to guide her connection to the Force. Y/N stretches out a hand in front of her and attempts to lift one of the larger rocks surrounding the boulder.

Her Jedi training thus far is limited. She knows how to attune her senses and use a lightsaber for basic purposes, but proper Force-wielding is not a lesson she has learned. Even so, she could not help herself. She had to try. 

With her focus completely trained on the rock, her brows furrowed in concentration, Y/N can feel it starting to lift off the ground. Her excitement overcomes her focus, and the rock drops back among the others in the garden.

"You we're doing it wrong," A young, arrogant male voice said from behind her.

Y/N knew exactly who was speaking, though she didn't dare show him her blushing face.

"I know what I'm doing," Y/N muttered under her breath, still feeling a slight twinge of embarrassment.

Deciding her mind is too out of focus to try again, Y/N picks herself off the ground and turns to face him. Anakin Skywalker; the Chosen One.

All the Younglings talked about him. He was incredible; powerful beyond belief without so much as single training lesson. He was everything she wanted to be, and more.

"You we're concentrating too hard," he folded his arms, a playful smirk on his face, "you gotta relax."

"Relax?" She repeated with a tone of irritation. "I could have lifted it higher it you didn't distract me."

"Sure you could've," he remarked playfully.

Y/N had to take a deep breath to calm her rising temper. This was her first interaction with the one everyone speaks so much about. She assumed he would have a hint of arrogant in his demeanour, but she didn't anticipate it would be this intense.

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