Prologue 🌹

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"Y/n remember keep to yourself and don't let anyone know you're a half blood. I don't know what I would do without you. So please remember that okay?"

My dads words buzz around my head over and over again. I know the rules and that is to not let anyone know that I'm a half blood. My father is a vampire and my mother was a human. She died giving birth to me so it's just the two of us, always travelling from town to town. He's like my best friend and he's done so much to protect me so keeping this secret is not only protecting myself but also my dad.

Half bloods are frowns upon in this day in age. Something to do with what happened about a hundred years ago with the royals or something, I'm not too sure what that was but I'm sure I'll learn at some point since it's a part of our history. If anyone were to find out I was a half blood I would be killed by either both human or vampire because I'm considered a disgusting breed that could not be trusted. My dad could also be sent to prison for even having a child with a human and to stay there until the end of his days until he finally gives in to his fate. Since really his mate died the day I was born but kept going with his life for the sake of mine. That's why I appreciate him so much, that man is my world and I'm thankful for him since if it weren't for him I'd be killed at birth.

With the set rules in my mind as I walk through the school halls that are filled students that are flooding the halls all walking in one direction and that's towards a hall, but my first destination is the school office. I needed to get my schedule and register with the head master as the new student that starts today. My dad warns me that he is a vampire so I had to be careful but because of my scent I would be disguised as a human since I'm half and to vampires my scent is like a human the only way hey would know the difference is if they fed on me. That's when I would be caught by a vampire.

I walked through the double glass doors that was titled above the doors RECEPTION, then walking to the desk with a woman who seems to be human and elderly supporting a messy bun, with the little sign on the desk with her name MRS C. LI. She welcomes me with a friendly smile when she sets eyes on me walking through the door.

"Hello dear, how may I help you? My best guess is you're the new student starting today." Mrs Li

I nod and shyly approach her since I'm not very good with socialising with others.

"Yes My name is Yoo Y/n."

Again her friendly smile stretches as she types on her computer for a brief couple of seconds before she stands up behind her desk.

"Could I ask you to take a seat now Y/n, the head master shall be with you in just a moment. He's dealing with a student right now." Mrs Li

She gestures to the row of chairs to my left and I nod a thank you and walk over to the chairs to take a seat, sliding my bag off my shoulders and sitting down with the bag firmly on my lap as if it could keep me safe somehow. I'm not too worried about being with the humans because they're less likely to find out what I am but vampires however are a different story, it's harder to hide. I know that from the last place we lived. I had to take a year off school because a vampire found out what I was and tried to kill me. I have the scars on my back and shoulder to prove it. Never would I wear an swim suit or even a vest in front of anyone again.

Moments passed by and I stay seated listening to the students pass by on the other side of the wall I'm sitting up against. Mrs Li suddenly stands up, taking something out of a drawer and then walking around her desk and then towards a single brown door with a gold plated sign on the door that read:



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