Chapter 73 🌹

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Ren and Jeong very kindly took me to a bedroom within the castle. I haven't been in this one before but I don't care. All I could think about was my mother, to see her in person for the first time in my life was just, indescribable. It seemed like my dad didn't notice she was there but she was, she was right beside me and held my shoulder the whole time but once the ceremony ended she disappeared but in my fragile state Ren and Jeong took me here to this bedroom for a few moments to gather myself before seeing anyone again.

To be honest I wanted to see my soulmates but I know where they are right now and it has to be done. I just don't want to witness it, I've had enough with anything to do with that man.

I sat on the bed, wiping my tears as I know Ren and Jeong are only outside the room beyond the doors to give me a few moments peace but now I feel ready to go back out again. Standing up from the bed, dusting off my hands by rubbing them together I began to walk towards the door but a soft voice spoke my name from behind me which made me freeze in my steps.


I may not of heard her voice before other than in videos that my dad showed me but I feel like I've known that voice more than just in videos. I'm hearing it for the first time in person. I taking a big breath in, tears already coming to my eyes, I slowly turned around to see my mother standing there in her long white flowing dress and her long brown hair that smoothly flows down her back.

She smiled at me, tears already in her eyes as she stands there taking in my image but the moment she opened her arms to me I ran to her. I didn't hesitate, I ran like my life depended on it and within only three steps across the room I was in her arms, in her embrace and I could already feel the love and warmth from her. Maybe she wasn't physically warm, she was cold but in my heart on the inside I felt warm. Her arms securely wrapped around me, her hand caressing the back of my head as she held me tight and not wanting to let go.

We didn't speak for what felt like hours just standing there hugging and I didn't want to let go of her. I wanted to stay like this.

"You're not a little baby anymore Y/n. The last time I held you like this you were only minutes old." Mom

I laughed through the streaming tears and I could feel her cold yet warm lips on the top of my head.

"You got to hold me?"

I felt her nod, her head resting on the top of mine before she forced herself to move back but taking my hands to keep us close.

"I did. It was the best few minutes of my life before I was gone." Mom

She stared into my eyes that were similar to hers, I always had her eyes. My dad always said that and in the pictures I had seen of her was just further proof that he was right. My mom tugged on my hand and guided me to the bed so the two of us could sit down together but I made sure that I was tucked close to her body, making sure that I spend as much time with her as I could before she has to leave. I don't know how long she has here, but I'll make the most of what time I have here with her.

"How long are you here for?"

I couldn't help but to ask her. She sighed sadly, looking down at our joined hands, touching for the first time in eighteen years.

"I don't know but I know I cant stay for very long." Mom

I nodded sadly in understanding. One thing for sure is that I will forever owe Val a huge favour for this. I didn't think this would be possible even with all that magic stuff with her being a witch and all but still this is the best present ever.

"I have to say Y/n you've grown up in to beautiful young woman. Your dad has done a great job with you just like I knew he would." Mom

She caressed my cheek softly and I leaned into her touch, briefly closing my eyes to savour the moment.

"And he would say that you helped because your my mom."

She laughed quietly and nodded, but removed her hand from my cheek to wipe what tears I had on my cheek and then quickly wiped her own.

"I've been watching you, you know. You and your father." Mom

My eyes shot up in surprise.

"You did? How?"

She shrugged her shoulders a little but chuckled softly.

"I don't know how, but it's like I never really left. Just watching when none of you could see me. I think it's because I'm waiting for your father." Mom

Guilt built up in me for being the reason the two of them are not together and I looked away from her but she gently grabbed my chin and turned my head back to look her in her soft eyes.

"Don't blame yourself Y/n. Your father and I knew what we were doing when we had you and we both understood that this needed to happen. I remember my first life and I spent hundreds of years with him and this time round when I was pregnant with you, we both knew what you were to become and your destiny." Mom

I furrowed my brows in confusion.

"First life?"

She nodded with a smile just to let go of my chin.

"Yes. I was your mother in the first life too but not biological, I was your adoptive mother, Jia. Then I was blessed with a second life just to have you and bring you into this life and your father to protect you which I have seen him blow up a few times and put your soulmates in their places." Mom

I laughed but nodded to her. It's true, they are pretty scared of my dads temper.

"Yeah he's very protective of me."

"And so he should be. We both love you very much Y/n and only want what's best for you. You'll soon enough feel the same way with your own bundle of joys." Mom

She looked down to my stomach and then back up to my face again. I knew what she was referring to but I just nodded and grabbed her for a hug again. I couldn't get enough of her hugs.

The doors behind me open again and quickly close behind but the owner of the voice made me quickly turn around to see the expression on his face.


My dad was frozen in shock to see my mom sitting beside me. I let her go so she could stand up and slowly walk towards my dads frozen form. I never seen my dad so quick to cry, immediately upon hearing him say my mothers name tears streamed down his cheeks and my dad never looked more destroyed in my whole life.

"Jae." Mom

My mom slowly approached my dad who just stared at her and then he looked back to me as if asking for confirmation that this was real and I nodded to confirm it. Then once I did that he literally grabbed her so fast and pulled her into his arms, an buried his face into her shoulder crying hard and loud. I always thought of my dad as the quiet type when he cried but he didn't this time. He was crying so loud and I could even hear the soft sobs from my mother too. The two stood in the centre of the room holding one another tightly after many years of being apart. I could even feel their pain from just standing here watching.

I just decided to sit there and watch them while they have their moment. It's the least I can do. Never did I think to see the day that I would see both my parents together in person. Its like a dream come true and I'm sure they wouldn't disagree.

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