Chapter 51🌹

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We followed Val all the way from the stables with the horses and all the way to this field. It was the furthest field away from the house, only to have a wired fence around the edges and just next to the trees. Who are these dark knights that Val was speaking about?

It raised a lot of questions and it did for Joshua and Baekhyun too because while following Val who was walking rather quickly for my liking, was asking me if I knew who she was talking about but of course I didn't. I would of thought that Joshua would know since he remembers his past life of being Joy. I mean they sound like an old group, who calls their group, or gang or whatever Dark knights? It's kind of old fashioned if you ask me.

Although with the way Val spoke their name it didn't give me any reason to fully worry about who these people are, but I was very curious to who there are and their purpose.

Coming to a stop after jumping the fence did Val stop at a bale, the field was filled with them and the sun was already starting to disappear between the hills around us, which makes this place a perfect place to hide from my soulmates. I even doubt they know of this place.

"Excuse me, but what are we doing here?"

I asked Val as polite as I could but she whisks herself around, her hair blowing in the light breeze with a soft smile on her face.

"We're here to greet the Dark Knights. This is where they come every time and they only come with the sun sets. Eun says its the best time of day for training. Hanuel and your father should be here soon too." Val

My dad knows about this?

"But that doesn't explain what the heck is going on, who are these people?" Joshua

"Are the dangerous? Is this a trap?" Baekhyun

I didn't think of that but I doubt my dad would allow something like that to happen to me or my friends if he knows about these people we're about to meet.

"Oh calm down there boys, everything is fine. They're perfectly safe." Val


Val twirls around just to see Hanuel running up in slow pace with his arms waving in the air and my dad with all smiles just running after him. Hanuel was smiling ear to ear and runs to Val who then meets him half way and collide together in a hug while my dad runs past them to come stand by me.

"How was your day sweetie?" Dad

I just shrugged watching Hanuel and Val whisper to one another as they both hold each other close. I was a little jealous since I cant do anything like that with the ones my heart so desperately want to be with but can't be.

"It's been okay. What about yours?"

I asked him and he just smiles accompanied with a happy chuckle.

"It's been really good actually. I felt like a little boy again." Dad

I nodded and looked back over my shoulders to see Joshua and Baekhyun whispering to each other but staring off into the distance towards the trees. A frown came upon my face and I followed their line of direction to see four people in what seems to be black cloaks with hoods up, making it almost impossible to see their faces.

I froze to see these strangers emerge and I stepped back, scared to who these people are.

"Oh!! Here they come!! Guys there's people here that you should meet!" Hanuel

He was all excited to see these four people approaching and I didn't know what to do with myself but they gave off this strong, dark aura about them. The closer they got the more nervous I became but my dad held my hand to reassure me everything was alright and Joshua, as nervous as he was came to my other side with Baekhyun also standing near by too.

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