Chapter 36🌹

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The day date was actually going really well. I didn't expect it to but it has.

I was very surprised when Jin pulled up to this massive house on the lake which was so beautiful with such an amazing view of the lake also and it was such a calming day weather wise also. The skies were blue with white clouds and some sun of course and just a little breeze every now and then that would breeze through the trees to surround the area with that traditional nature scent of soil and leaves. It was really nice.

Jin explained that the day before Jungkook and Yoongi came here after school to drop off the food and what not so they wouldn't have to do it today. He also prepared barbecue for the evening when the sun finally starts to set.

Taehyung and Jimin were busy setting a table, much like a large picnic bench that was big enough to fit everyone. All the while I was in the water having a battle with Hoseok and Jungkook about who can push who first off the shoulders.

I was currently on Namjoons shoulders and Hoseok was on Jungkooks. Just in the background you could see Yoongi just floating around on a donut floaty just sipping on a bottle of coke while watching everyone play in the water.

Although in our game of push over I did manage to push Hoseok off Jungkooks shoulders but I have a funny feeling that he let me win but I said nothing. I just enjoyed the moment of winning and Namjoon carefully helped me off his shoulders so I could swim.

Jimin and Taehyung ran into the water together while laughing and both raced to me. So with a squeal I swam away from them and over to yoongis donut ring and he pulled me up to sit on his lap and scowl at Jimin and Taehyung when they finally reached the float.

"No fair y/n!" Jimin

"Yah! Yoongi you can't hog her like that!" Taehyung

Yoongi only stuck out his tongue and snuggled into my back and with his chin on my shoulder and his arms around my waist to keep me in the float with him. Thank goodness Jin lent me his black T-shirt so it's no see through to hide my scars.

"I don't care. She's mine right now. So scram." Yoongi

Both boys pouted, exchanged a look at one another before giving me one last mischievous look and then swimming away. Now I'm worried what they're going to do to me when I come off this thing. They're up to something.

"Don't worry they can't touch you when you're with me." Yoongi

He traced his nose from the crook of my neck and up to my ear just to whisper something with his deep voice that sent shivers down my spine.

"Did anyone ever tell you how delicious you look when you're wet? Because you're driving me crazy." Yoongi

My eyes widen and heat rushed to my face and I'm sure my cheeks would be rosy pink by now but he wouldn't see it due to sitting behind me.

"Foods ready!!" Jin

Everyone that was in the water all ready began to leave the lakes water and I didn't say anything but slip back into the water after Yoongi loosening his grip on me and to swim back to the land and join everyone else at the picnic bench just for Jimin to pass me a towel with a smirk on his face and sit beside me while Taehyung sits in the other side of me with another smirk on his face.

Oh god what are they going to do?

Yoongi also comes to join but sits across from me on the bench also smirking at me and I noticed how Jin stood at the end of the table watching his three brothers looking at me the way they did and myself refusing to look at them.

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