Chapter 52 🌹

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Well yesterday was eventful after meeting these dark knights. We spent the whole evening with them just watching them train with Eun's instructions. It lasted for hours but then eventually they left and we all settled to go to bed since it was so late at night well more like early morning into the next day and I was just exhausted by just watching them since I know soon enough that will be me with them. I'm kind of looking forward to it and not all at the same time.

I mean I get what's going on with this Jackson guy but I still don't fully understand what I could do to stop him. But then my thoughts go back to my soulmates that I rejected, to think that they also live with this guy too, it raises questions in my mind to whether they know what this Jackson guy is doing or not but I doubt that if their father doesn't know either.

Those thoughts I like to push aside and think about something else.

Although this morning we did receive the best news ever by Jeong himself showing up at the farm to take us to Ren's house because Daehyun had finally woken up.

We were suppose to be going home today anyway but it was a short stay this morning and after a quick goodbye to Hanuel and Val did we leave with Jeong to go see Daehyun. It wasn't even a question, I was happy and relieved that she finally woke up.

Apparently she woke up yesterday but didn't tell us because her family came to see her first obviously and stayed with her the whole night and now Joshua, Baekhyun and I ran through the house straight to where Daehyun's room had been since she was brought in here and barged through her room without knocking, well Joshua did as he got there first with his quick speed for being a half breed like myself but I as excited as I was I didn't want to leave Baekhyun lagging behind.

Storming into the room the way we did Daehyun yelped in surprise with a hand over her heart with Bong sitting by her bedside holding her other hand with an amused smile on his face not in the least bit surprised by our sudden appearance.

"Bitch, you finally decided to wake up and while we were away, I'm insulted." Joshua

I chuckled coming further into the room to side on the free chair beside her bed while Joshua stands at the end by her feet and Baekhyun enters just to close the door behind him.

"It's not like I could choose when I wake up josh." Daehyun

She rolls her eyes but smiles at him when Joshua lets out a sarcastic and over exaggerated scoff.

"Yes you could, don't make excuses." Joshua

The two laugh together and I took Daehyuns hand that she places back down on the bed by her side.

"It's good to see you're finally awake now."

I spoke to her but I couldn't help that my voice almost came out in whisper even when I'm screaming with joy inside that she has her eyes open, talking and just plain awake to the world and everyone in the room.

"Thanks, it's good to finally be awake, but Bong here was just updating me on everything going on. Y/n I'm so sorry about what happened with you." Daehyun

She gives me this sympathic look with her eyes, lightly squeezing my hand in comfort as I look down at my feet at the sudden subject.

"It's okay it had to be done."

I mumbled to her but more like trying to convince myself that I did the right thing. The more the days passes since I've rejected them the more I grow to miss them but I cant give in.

"I understand that and from what I'm told I think you did the right thing." Daehyun

"Oh she did, those assholes didn't deserve her with their behaviour, its was fucking sick." Baekhyun

His spoke sharp and angered as he always is with the subject that he hates almost as much as I do.

"But they're not a bother anymore right? No more trouble?" Daehyun

I look up at her, trying to ignore the burning in my chest that appears every time we speak of them.

"I haven't really seen much of them since then and I....don't want to."

Again I look down but to my lap this time, retrieving my hand from Daehyuns and fiddling with my fingers, trying to hold back my tears.

"And you don't need to see them either. Better off without them if you ask me." Joshua

I still don't look up but try to remain calm. There was sudden silence in the room but I could feel the gazes from my friends as I continue to look away.

"So, how did the meeting of the dark knights go?" Bong

He broke the silence to which I was grateful for so we didn't have to talk about my soulmates anymore and onto something else.

"Oh yeah!! They're so cool!! I cant wait to start training with them, it's gonna be awesome!" Joshua

He clapped his hands in excitement and I looked at him from across the room to see him bounce on the spot like a child excited on Christmas day or something. It made me giggle at his cute reaction.

"So you agreed to train to? I thought they were just asking Y/n?" Bong

The curiosity in his voice was evident and Joshua stopped his bouncing just to blankly stare back at Bong.

"Is that suppose to mean something? Baek and I can join it too. We are a big part of this after all just like everyone else in this room and unfortunately seven buttholes." Joshua

Bong quickly shook his head, not wanting to be under Joshua's wrath who can become scary when he's pissed and the raised brow and hands on hips with his foot tapping off the tiled floor didn't help him look any less intimidating.

"No, not that's not what I meant. I just....I thought that they were only asking Y/n but you're more than capable to join. Honest." Bong

Fear spread across Bong's face as Joshua continued to stare at him until he broke out in to a fit of giggles, clutching his stomach.

"Oh relax I know that. I'm not that insulted." Joshua

Bong immediately relaxed, slugging his shoulders down and weakly smiles taking a deep breath. I couldn't help but find it amusing but watched Daehyun take Bong's hand up to her lips to kiss the back of his hand and just for him to blush and look at her with admiration. I couldn't help but watch them in awe but slight jealousy. If only things worked out better for me and my soulmates but it doesn't seem possible right now.

A sudden pair of arms wrap around my shoulders, making me flinch but to look down at the hands I knew who it was straight away as he also rests his chin on my shoulder. It was Baekhyun.

"Don't worry Y/n. You'll find happiness someday." Baekhyun

I nod and sink more into his arms as he holds me from behind. I just hope that his words one day do come true and my life wont be as miserable as I feel right now.

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