Chapter 14 🌹

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I had an important matter to discuss with someone tonight. No one knows I'm doing this but me so after work I called y/n and told her I'd be coming home late from work but it's a lie.

I don't like lying to her but I don't want her to know what I'm doing just now and that's going to the Yoo house outside of town for an appointment with a certain someone after issues that need to be spoken about before my daughter even steps foot in that house.

She needs to be safe, she's all I have left in the world and she's what keeps me living other wise I'd of passed on with my wife a long time ago.

I drove to the large house, getting access to drive through the gates at this late hour and then making my way to the house and knocking.

A maid answers the door and allows me to come in. She was going to show me where to go but I insisted she didn't need to. I could feel his presence in this house just fine so I know it'll be no trouble.

Walking through the long halls all the way to the office and knocking first just to be polite and waiting for a response.

"Come in."

His voice boomed from the other side and I opened the door and walked in, closing the door behind me, because what we speak about it between us. Out of everyone in this world I trust this man right here to keep my daughter safe, even if he knows what she is.

"You arrived on time jaehoon. I'm impressed."

I looked him standing by the window beside his chair with his hands behind his back and his back turned to me. I bowed and was about to greet him but he interrupts me.

"You don't need to bow Jae, I've already told you this. Don't call me king either, it never settled right with me."

"As you wish yo- I mean Ren."

He laughs lightly and turns around to greet me with a smile, the same smile he inherited from his father before him.

"So you want to talk to me about Y/n, the reincarnation of my mother." Ren

I nod and step further into the room towards his desk.

"I do. She told me you requested of this trip to come to your home and tell of the history of your parents."

He hums and steps forward away from the shadow and more into view of the light in the room and leans against the back of his chair with his elbow.

"I did that yes. My men have been watching the seven princes for years now and when they showed me the picture of y/n I thought the resemblance is uncanny. So I wanted to see for myself, in person to make it more true to myself. You know how much I loved my mother." Ren

I really do know. He may be the oldest but he was known through all of the children he was one out of two children that were mummy's boys.

"Yes but do you have more motives than that? I know you very well Ren."

The man chuckles and runs his hand smoothly across his jet black thick head of hair, something I know he got from his mother.

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