Chapter 30🌹

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Today was our last day here before going back home tomorrow.

I do have to say I'll miss this place but Ren says I'm more than welcome to come back at any time I want. So I'm happy about that but I'm looking forward to seeing my dad again when he's not so angry and worried all at one time.

So much has happened in this place for the last two weeks and it defiantly changed things. Especially with those seven soulmates of mine. They've defiantly changed into the complete opposites of what they were once like with me and I have to say I'm loving it.

They've become so kind, caring and I think it's funny when they begin to bicker or make fun of each other in a harmless way of course. Typical brothers if you ask me. Though they have been practically stuck to me this whole week and we've sort of developed a friends group which does get some weird looks from the other students that came with us on this trip as well as Mr Go who wonders how we all suddenly became close but yet doesn't ask out loud. I only know this because Yoongi told me because he heard Mr Go mumble it once when he seen us all together during one of the lessons.

Because it's our last day we were given another free day here so that meant some time in the garden. Even Bong, Ren and Jeong joined us. It almost felt wholesome in a way. Bong and Daehyun were chatting away while sitting on the grass together side by side and Daehyun had her head rested on his shoulder. Joshua and Baekhyun were having some sort of deep conversation further away from anyone else. I don't know what they were talking about but it looked real serious since Joshua was throwing his hands around in the air and Baekhyun kept glaring off at the grass.

The boys were just playing around, bickering again. They just found out this morning that Jin kissed me a few days ago and let's just say they've been all over Jin about it ever since. They haven't said anything to me about it but I did call out the mention of how I kissed Jungkook also. When that was made remembered they all just let it loose on each other and haven't stopped since. It resulted in Namjoon chasing Jimin for something that was said about his height or something like that. Either way it was funny.

I however hung back from everyone sitting on a little bench just watching everyone. It made me feel whole almost with something else missing until I was sudden accompanied by two men that surprised me by their presence suddenly and sat next to me. One on either side.

"I do have to say this is still weird." Jeong

"You're so abrupt Jeong." Ren

He chuckled in amusement to what his younger brother said, where as I cant disagree with him. It would be weird for him and for Ren too, it's just Jeong seems to be more open about it.

"No, its alright. I can only imagine how weird it must be for you both. To see me practically your mother reborn and then to see your fathers playing around the garden like children."

I point out just as Taehyung runs and jumps on Yoongis back all while laughing and shouts for him to run. To which Yoongi does without question. But then I spot Jungkook and Hoseok also. Jungkook just so happened to have picked up Hoseok on his shoulder and tackle into a bush for some odd reason all while they laughed.

"Actually it's nice to see all this again to be honest. I didn't think I would miss it that much, but by fuck I do." Jeong

"LANGUAGE!!!" Jungkook

I flinched at Jungkooks sudden outburst now to see him standing in front of us with his hands on his hips glaring at Jeong. Jeong just laughs lightly seeing Jungkook but he didn't look amused at all by Jeongs reaction and was about to say something but instead Jin came up from behind him and picked him up on his shoulder and looked at all of us innocently.

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