Chapter 68🌹

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It's the middle of the night now, we needed to act on our plan to get Y/n back to Ren's house. She did need to go back and now it's the early hours of the morning, now was the time to act. Namjoon had already told Jungkook of the plans and Y/n also when we got back but they were a little busy, of you know what I mean so it was a quick update of what happening and then well let's just say we all kind of reunited in a way. It was unexpected but I couldn't resist if you ask me.

We all knew the time to set out on our plan, to meet Ren and Jeong in the woods at the meet up point and Jewel and Jaehoon will be there too waiting to take Y/n just in case something happens. I'm a littler nervous in case we get caught but not for my sake, but for Y/n's.

We spent most of the evening with Y/n in the bedroom but only with some of us leaving the room now and again to wonder the castle to not make Jackson so suspicious. I just want to kill him already. It was time to get a move on and act on getting Y/n out of here. Namjoon, Jin and Hoseok had already left the room. Their job was to make sure Jackson wasn't wondering around or any member of staff for that matter and then come and tell Jungkook who was standing outside the room while myself, Jimin and Taehyung stood in the bedroom with Y/n sitting on the bed but with Jimin and Taehyung sitting beside her while I stood at the door waiting for Jungkook to tell me with a knock on the door that it was safe to leave.

I was so anxious and very impatient but I was ready for the worst, we all were. Jackson is very unpredictable lately and we were taking no chances in what could happen.

The room was silent yet Y/n's fear and nerves filled the room and it only made me even more uneasy about all this and even Jimin and Taehyung with the way they're so tense just by sitting beside her.

As soon as there was that knock on the door I held my breath and turned around to Y/n and my brothers with a firm nod. Taehyung sighed and stood up from the bed while Jimin also stood up but to pick up Y/n in his arms, cradling her carefully. Jimin is in charge to carry her, to run with her as fast as he can. We thought that if anything happens, out of all of us Jimin would be the best. Not only is he fast but also he's very good with his movements, he could dodge anything if it came at him so we all chose Jimin to take Y/n while the rest of us be on guard for anything else that could be made a problem.

No one said a word but only looks to be sure that the other was ready to leave because once we leave this room, anything can happen after that. Even Y/n prepared herself by sinking more into the comfort of Jimins arms which I think would be best for her right now.

With one last look at everyone nodding to one another, I ripped open the door, Jungkook was still standing there but he took off the second he seen me and I took off running after him but to look over my shoulder to see Taehyung and Jimin also running after me. We used out vampire speed down the corridor taking many turns and down the large stairs case where we met Namjoon and then out the house, through the main doors just to see Jin and Hoseok waiting for us. No one stopped, we all just ran towards the back of the castle, through the garden as fast as we can and came to the brick wall. Jin, Hoseok and Namjoon jumped over it no problem, even Jungkook doing a flip in mid air over the brick wall and myself jumped over to problems also. We kept running and I checked over my shoulder to see Taehyung running right behind Jimin so I slowed down a little bit to also run behind them to be sure no one comes after us.

The others started to slow down to be sure we were all close together and in the end positioned to make one circle around Jimin who was carrying Y/n with no problems, no even an inch of sweat on his body yet his face was so serious, I never seen him like this. If he were to smile right now, his face was sure to crack.

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