Chapter 20 🌹

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I ran off when the game started with Taehyung.

We ran towards the front of the house and hide up in a tree just close by the entrance gate to the property. I doubt very much Joshua would find us hear.

Taehyung and I would laugh to ourselves because it's so much fun. We just love playing this game, especially as we were growing up in our garden back home. Though there was always something nibbling away to say the game wasn't fully complete in some strange way but here playing it now it doesn't feel thus way. It feels whole.

I looked around and my sights caught a figure in one of the windows. It was Ren.

He was smiling at us and even waved. Of course I waved back with a smile on my face.

After what happens yesterday none of us hold grudges. In fact I thank him for it, it was the wake up call we didn't know we needed. Even if we knew how we were with y/n was wrong but somehow since yesterday and feeling that pain vibrate my entire body it made me rid of whatever anger I had for her and choose to try and make things right with her. I just hope she doesn't reject any of us. That would hurt also.

Down below did I hear footsteps approaching. Both Taehyung and I looked down to see Joshua walk up to the very tree we're in but he doesn't look up. Instead he looks around him and then runs off in the direction he came from.

"Found you!" Joshua

I heard him shout but it was followed by Jungkooks loud groan but only for seconds later to run off passed our tree and towards the other side of the house to where we once were before running off to hide.

The two started to scream at each other and I burst into fits of laughter when Jungkook called Joshua a snail. It was pretty funny.

With Joshua distracted thanks to Jungkook Taehyung and I jumped down from the tree and ran back to the side where the flower arch was.

Jin and Namjoon ran passed the two of us and I seen yoongi leap out of a near by bush and run up to us.

"That josh kid is crazy." Yoongi

"I think he's funny." Taehyung

He chuckles and I do too silently nodding and looking around the place for somewhere else to hide. Then that's where I spotted that girl Daehyun coming out the shadows looking around the garden for may sight of joshua. She smiles at us with a little wave and proceeds to run into a large bush opposite form where we stood.

I like Daehyun. She seems nice but also very quiet. Though it does seem like y/n really likes her so maybe that's why I like her. Only in a friendly way though. I've known Daehyun for years at this school and never once had she spoken to me or my brothers. She kept to herself but somehow started becoming more outgoing and just appeared to be around more when y/n came to this school.

"We should go hide somewhere before they come back." Yoongi

"Yeah we should. I don't want to fall victim to Joshuas wrath."

We laughed a little and took off running to the back of house with Yoongi coming with us this time. But only to stop when an unsettling feeling sparks within myself.

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