Chapter 33🌹

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I couldn't wait to take Daehyun out for the evening after she finished school.

Over the years, the many many years of being alone, remembering everything from when I was Kai, I missed her. Not only was I searching for Y/n but also for her. I knew that if I found Y/n I would also find her and others. It took my all to remain calm when I seen her for the first time back at the Yoo house because I didn't want to spook out anyone that didn't know what was going on. But I knew by looking at Daehyun that she knew exactly who I was and that she too remembered everything.

She may look different than when she was called Irene but my love for her has never changed and she still looks as beautiful as ever. It's not her body I'm interested in, it's her soul. Our souls are meant to be together and I wouldn't have it any other way.

I'm just over the moon I have found her again and now I've taken her to one of her favourite spots that we use to come together to get peace. She loved the view here and it was our little getaway to spend quality time together. So by taking her here would mean something to us, to her.

When I took her here as a surprise her reaction was worth it.

The way she squealed in happiness when she realised where we were and the how she practically jumped on me to smother me in kisses all over my face was just anything better than what I could of imagined her reaction to be like.

I prepared a picnic for her and a little for me. I mean I didn't take any blood with em but it does no harm to eat human food.

We sat on a blanket that I also took with us and we sat and spoke of what our lives in this life have been like so far with out each other.

I told her of how I've been around for a long time looking for y/n and her but also the other two important woman in my life also but one so happened to be a man now. So that's a little different and will take some getting use to I think but still the very same soul so it might not even by that different at all.

Joshua is the exact same way he was when he was joy. Now just missing one more person to fit the puzzle with all of us.

After i spoke of myself which wasn't really much even if I had lived a lot longer. Daehyun began to speak about her family that she's got now. She had divorced parents but spends time with them equally and that she also has two little brothers that are twins. I think she mentioned that she is close to all her family members especially her mom. Just like she was when she was Irene. So that hasn't changed either and all his likes and dislikes are all the same too.

Daehyun spoke of everything and I just sat and listened to her. I could listen to her voice all day while I stare upon her beauty until she realised I was now at point where I wasn't really paying attention anymore and instead more focused on my thoughts of how much I still love her.

"Then my skin turned blue and my butt was the size of two watermelons." Daehyun

"Mhmm. I bet that was fun."

I spoke not really paying attention but she laughs and smacks my chest as she sits next to me. I was confused why she Would do that but I love her laugh.

"What was that for?"

I asked chuckling at her cute laugh and rubbing my chest where she hit me. It didn't hurt it was just a reaction to someone smacking me for no reason.

"You're not even paying attention to me anymore. I told you my skin turned blue and my butt grew to the size of watermelons and you bet that would of been fun!" Daehyun

Oh. I didn't even notice.

"I'm sorry. I swear I was listening but I was just staring to much. I'm sorry."

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