Chapter 13🌹

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My head was thumping so hard right now. It hurts, I need Jesus to take the pain away.

Though whatever I'm cuddling into right now was doing magic to the comfort of my very soul. It helps a little with the pain in my head and I feel like if I was feeling a little better I could cuddle into whatever this is for days. I shuffle closer with my eyes still closed, feeling content pushing up to this soft yet hard object. No idea what this is but I'm loving it.

But then whatever it was moved and pulls me closer with their hands, with a slight groan.

A person.

I'm cuddling a person.

I whip my eyes open to see a chest, and not just any chest but the bare chest of Jungkook, when I look up to see his sleeping face.

How did I end up sleeping next to him?!
What the fuck?!

Behind me as I lay on my side something moved and then another pair of arms wrapped around my shoulders. I yelped in fright and kicked out my legs, forcing Jungkook to roll off the bed suddenly and turned over pushing the other person away as they spin around and also fall to the floor.

"What the hell?!" Jungkook

I sat up ignoring Jungkooks yelling and looked down at myself to see I'm still fully clothed. Thank his for that. Jungkook jumps up to his two feet with hands on hips to glare at me but eyes still completely brown.

"What was that for?" Jungkook

"Sorry. Someone grabbed me from behind."

I shrugged shyly, to then pull the covers up to my shoulders. His eyes soften slightly but then another louder groan came form the other side of the bed taking our attention to other side of the bed.

A hand suddenly appeared and grabbed onto the bed to then show Taehyung sit up on his knees and crawl back onto the bed.

"That hurt." Taehyung

He mumbles as he rolls back into place on his back next to me, keeping his hands resting in his chest, and closing his eyes.

"You're telling me?! You landed on me!!" Jimin

Jimin suddenly jumps up from nowhere, startling me in the process.

"Where did you come from? Why am I here? Where am I anyway?"

I look around the room to now only noticed that the other four princes were starting to stand up from the floor in the room. They're all here?!

I'm so confused.

"Damn you ask a lot of questions in the morning." Yoongi

"Actually it's afternoon now." Namjoon

He says looking at his watch standing up from his knees, and Yoongi sitting up on his butt on the floor scratching the top of his head.

"What are you all doing here? Wh-"

A hand covered my mouth stopping me from asking any more questions. It wasn't just any hand, but Jungkooks hand who was now sitting next to me still without a shirt on.

I glared at him before I licked his hand and he quickly pulled it away with a disgusted look.

"Ew! Gross!! What's wrong with you woman?!" Jungkook

"You covered my mouth what else was I suppose to do?"

"Not lick my hand that's what you could not do!" Jungkook

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