Chapter 74 🌹

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Well that was very satisfying to watch. Not that I was surprise but I enjoyed it very much to see Jackson slowly die. I didn't know if I would enjoy it that much since myself and my brothers didn't finish the job ourselves but it was still equally satisfying to witness.

The knights were going to deal with Jackson's body themselves, do whatever they want with it for all we care. Jackson doesn't deserve a proper send off due to his actions on life so whatever.

Now that Jackson is officially no more, we can move on with our lives. I want to see Y/n and we tried to find her but Ren told us that y/n was with her dad and her mom right now. So despite how much we wanted to see her we decided to leave them to have their moments.

However Jeong did tell us to go to the office, our office. So that's what we did. None of us had a clue as to why but on our way there something came to mind. Maybe my brothers have forgotten but I just remembered.

With a gasp from myself when I remembered, I took off running with my vampire speed across the castle to our office. My brothers followed, running after me confused to why I suddenly acted this why but I don't tell them and instead storm through the office doors and came to a stop when I seen the two people standing or sitting in their usual spots. The same places they did when they were alive. My father sitting in his chair behind the desk and my mom standing beside him with on hand on his shoulder.

When my brothers finally caught up with me they also paused by the door and I heard Hoseoks little gasp in surprise from behind me. Jungkook, Jimin, Taehyung and Hoseok all rushed over to our parents with open arms as soon as they realised who they were. However I stayed back by the door with Jin and Yoongi.

Jin pushed me in a little bit and closed the door behind him. I didn't see what Yoongi was doing since I was too busy watching my four other brothers hug our parents desperately. I wanted to do that too but I was stunned. I didn't know what to do with myself right now but watch.

Jin then walked passed me and staright over to our mom who welcomes jin with open arms, or in what space she has left from tightly hugging Jungkook the big baby he is while the other three were hugging our dad who now stood up from his chair to take in the hugs. That itself is new as our dad wants much of a hugger growing up but the wide smile on his face shows that he missed us too.

Just seeing my dad act this way made me move on my feet towards everyone but I made sure to grab the much more paler Yoongi by the wrist and drag him over with me to join in the massive family hug fest.

Tears shred and laughter made. It was too good to put into words to see our parents again.

Once we all hugged my dad suggested we all sit down just like we always had done so that's what we did. We know they're dead, only Val who I have only met a handful of times before could of brought them back so it's clear they only have a limited amount of time.

"So I'm sure you're all wondering how long we have with all of you and the truth is not very long. I mean we don't know the full length of time with all of you before we have to go but we assume it's only until the end of the day." Mom

It's better than nothing, at least this way we can have a proper good bye.

" I assume you boys dealt with Jackson, right?" Dad

His serious yet dark tone was clear when he's talking about business and my mom resumed her position to stand beside my dad with her hand back on his shoulder.

"Yes but not directly by us. Although Taehyung did most of the sentencing for Jacksons crimes." Jin

I only nodded, glancing over to Taehyung and Jin who happen to be sitting next to each other on the couch with Hoseok sitting on the other end but Jin sitting in the middle. I was just sitting in front of the fire place next to Jungkook.

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