Chapter 82🌹

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(312 years later)

Everything in the world had changed around them over the years but one thing that had never changed was their love and family.

It had grown large and too many great grandchildren to count. Lucky for the eight of them all their seven youngest children had decided to live on and not dare to pass into the next life until their parents do but not soon after.

Unfortunately the eight of them over the long years together did have to say their goodbyes to many friends and loved ones, even the dark knights had moved onto the next life but left behind their successors. It was turning into a new world and now they think it's time to let it go.

With everyone besides their seven children and many grandchildren, the eight of them have decided to go together. It's been a very long time and yet they all look as young as they did when they were all teenagers.

Sadly Ren and Jewel passed away together over 200 years ago. They felt it was their time to go given they had lived for more than 300 years themselves. Jeong and his soulmate wasn't far behind, months in fact. At least they passed away peacefully.

Joshua and Baekhyun died in some freak explosion when mixing the wrong potions with Val, who also passed away. This caused her soulmate Hanuel to die within hours of the news of a broken heart. It was a mourning loss for everyone in the family. For them all to die in this freak accident. Of course there was a investigation put in place by the kings themselves. Thinking some enemy had come forward to kill them all of something but the dark knights when they were still alive also took up the investigation and it was found to be indeed a freak accident.

A dark year in the castle indeed it was.

Y/n took it especially hard to loose important people to her in such a horrible way. Ren and jeong may have been her children but at least she got to say goodbye to them. But not with her closest friends.

So the eight of them had been missing Joshua and Baekhyun for the last 149 years. It's been tough but the eight royals still had bong and Daehyun up until a few months ago.

They decided on their own terms also to give up and leave to the next life. They had a good one and they thought it was time. It was peaceful for them and that's what mattered to everyone. They died happy and together.

Throughout the years the dark knights also passed away. The two couple Katie and Sarah-Anne died together in their sleep also ready for the new world. Maggie had gotten blood poisoning from a deer she fed from and passed away also but that only left behind the heart broken Eun. He couldn't go on with being a knight without the mischievous three knights and so he too decided it was his time.

Everyone they knew once before had gone and now it was time for the new generation to take over. It's been too long even if it's all been memorable and full of love and yet heart break.

The day was their last day and they didn't keep this a secret.

They wanted to let their children and many grandchildren know so they could all pull of this one more ball room family event.

It was emotional of course since the eight of them hold many relationships with their descendants. How could they not when most of them lived in the very same castle as they did?

The large ballroom was filled with their children and grandchildren, great grandchildren and so on. The eight of them of course danced with either one another for what felt like the last time and with other family members. After that the eight of them wanted to sit upon their thrones in the ball room, watching the family they had created with love. It was a massive achievement.

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