Chapter 22🌹

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Because of what happened to me yesterday I was allowed to skip any history lesson that was planned for today. I was pretty disappointed and I still am but I guess there's nothing I can do about it.

So that leaves me alone, in my room while daehyun, Joshua and baekhyun all join the rest of our group somewhere in this mansion of a place and I sit here playing games on my phone to pass the time.

Though my mind keeps going back to what happens yesterday all to the new guy that I met. Bong.

There's something with that guy that just.....fits. I can't explain it and he's very handsome too but it's clear that Daehyun clearly likes him. I didn't get the chance to tease her like I wanted to but that doesn't mean I won't, although Joshua has done enough of that for me already since it still hurts to talk.

There was a sudden knock at my door which was surprising because I wasn't expecting anyone so I whispered to the person to come in and they opened the door slowly to push their head in first.


I perked up a bit seeing his face after all he's one of the two out the seven that I feel comfortable with.

"How are you feel Y/n?" Yoongi

I put the thumbs up with a smile reminding myself to not speak as much as I want to if I want my neck to heal nicely. It's less pain too.

Then I waved him in and he walks in but doesn't close the door as the next person that shows up at the door was Jimin then followed by Hoseoks head peering from behind him. To be honest I wasn't shocked by waved them in anyway. I couldn't have the just standing at the door like that.

When I did that I found that all seven of them made their way into my room. Both Yoongi and Taehyung coming to sit on the edge of my bed while the other five stood in different places around the room unsure of what to do.

There was silence in the air between all of us after Jungkook being the last to enter the room closed the door behind him.

Usually I would break the silence but did I want to risk it with my voice?



Before I could say more Taehyung springs over to my side of the bed and holds his finger to my lips.

"Shh..don't talk. Your throat needs to heal after what happened yesterday." Taehyung

But I also wanted to ask them while they're here if that found out where that guy came from but surely they would of told me if they did.

With what Taehyung said I heard a low growl come from someone beside the door. It could of been either Jungkook or Namjoon but Namjoon wasn't showing any anger except something of a soft expression on his face compared to Jungkook right now. Standing stiff with balled fists and staring up at the ceiling. I bet it was him but I'm not going to point it out.

I met eyes with Hoseok who stood the closed to my bed compared to the others standing and I went back to my phone to come off my game and type a thank you to him. Last night Ren also told me that it was Hoseok who took me back here with Taehyung. So I typed a thank you and that I appreciated it and was touched also to mention Taehyung for coming with him and showed Hoseok the message.

At first he stepped back when I flashed my phone at him but then noticed I had typed his name and squinted his eyes as he read the message and then flashed me a bright smile.

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