Chapter 67🌹

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For the last hour I have been trying my hardest to read my book but Jungkook keeps staring at me. It's almost like he doesn't blink as he's doing it and he hasn't said anything about it either. It's becoming bothersome and there's only so much I can take from all the staring. It's distracting and I have been reading the same line in my book for the last few minutes.

I glance at him from the book, to see him across the room in the same laid back position in the chair, arms lazily laid on his lap, his legs also stretched out and his head against the wall. But when he realises I'm staring at him he raises a brow as if he's expecting me to say something first but I just roll my eyes and go back to my reading. If he has something to say why doesn't he just say it instead of being a creep?

More minutes passed by, I could tell by the watch I still had on my wrist that was a present from my dad on my birthday. It has an engraving on the back with his name and also to say happy 18th on it.

Still with his silent staring it was bothering me more and more to the point I groaned in frustration just to close my book with a slam and look up to glare at the weirdo.

"If you aren't going to say anything, stop staring at me like that."

He tried his best not to show an reaction to that, but the curve of his lip failed him but he was quick to fix it and try and maintain his unbothered self.

"I can stare all I want. It's freedom to do as I please." Jungkook

"No you cant. It's freaky and annoying now."

A chuckle escaped from him, and he crossed his right leg over the other, but eyes remaining on my sitting on the bed against the headboard.

"I can stare at my soulmate all I want to." Jungkook

I scoffed at him with a roll of my eyes, crossing my legs and arms over my chest at the same time.

"If you want to play that card then I can stare back then."

I made sure to stare into his eyes. He dark brown eyes that bore into my own with a smirk from what I can notice as if to say he was up for a challenge. Silence picked up in the room again and we just stayed staring at one another in silence. After sometime he started to get restless staring into my eyes, as if he was becoming uncomfortable. Shifting on his seat but still refusing to look away, a smirk came upon my face knowing he's not going to last long until he finally breaks it and scoffs as he does so and glares to the bedside table while I cheer at my success.

"Yes! Now will you stop staring at me?"

He pouted his lips like a child and nodded with a grunt. I just grinned to myself and picked my book back up to start reading it again. This time I felt a lot better to read again and now I wasn't reading the same line over and over again on the same page. Flicking the page over I was reading in peace, that was until I heard Jungkook speak again but his voice came out more like a whisper.

"I wasn't just staring. I was listening." Jungkook

I frowned to myself, hearing what he just said. I don't know if I was meant to hear that but at the same time I didn't know what he meant by that. I looked up from the book again and he still wasn't looking at me anymore but up at the ceiling.

"What did you say?"

Jungkook closed his eyes and releases a heavy sigh before his eyes flickered to me.

"I said I wasn't just staring I was listening too." Jungkook

"Listening to what?"

He shrugged his shoulders and looked up at the ceiling again.

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