Chapter 40🌹

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"You know it's a shame that Daehyun isn't awake to join our convo about this party. She would of loved to come too." Joshua

I only hummed at him while sit beside the still unconscious Daehyun laying on the bed. Bong was here as he always is. On the other side of the bed holding her hand and staring upon her face. He's been like this for days, just watching her.

"Seriously bong you should come with us. It'll be fun!" Joshua

He says standing at the foot of the bed. Bong only sighs and shakes his head.

"No thanks. I'd rather be here." Bong

"You need to get out of this room bong. I don't think Daehyun would be so happy to know that you're bottled up in here all day every day. She will want you to go out and not trouble yourself so much." Joshua

I do agree with Joshua but we can't force bong to go out if he doesn't want to.

"Still no thanks." Bong

Joshua groans and throws his head back with his hands on his hips but Baekhyun stood up from his seat behind him and grabs his shoulder.

"Hey, if bong doesn't want to go to the party at the castle then so be it. Just let it go man." Baekhyun

Joshua only rolls his eyes and wipes off baeks hand and throws himself back into the couch.

"I'm just trying to lighten the mood and get him out more. That's what friends do." Joshua

I sat quietly as I noticed bong slowly turn around to face Joshua by looking over his shoulder.

"You still think of us as friends?" Bong

Josh gasps exaggeratedly with a hand to the heart.

"Bong! I'm offended. Of course we're still friends. I remember everything from before so nothing has changed." Joshua

"Aw, well thanks then. That means a lot." Bong

Joshua blows a kiss to bong who only smiled and turned back to watching Daehyun sleep.

"So y/n, did you say that you're going to the party? I mean you have to because it's your soulmates party! At a castle!!" Joshua

I don't know to be honest. I know Yoongi asked me earlier today at school during our tutoring sessions but I'm unsure of the whole party idea. It would only be my second one I've had in my life and I don't remember much of the last one so I don't know right now.

"Sure but I don't know if that's a good idea."

Joshua scoffs and sits up in his seat just when Baekhyun decides to sit back down next to him on the couch.

"You're going and that's final. You need some more fun and besides you never know. You might end up in one of your soulmates bed again." Joshua

He wiggles a brow at me with his cheeky smirk. He's never going to live it down that I had sex with them all. It's all he brings up but not in a bad way. It's more like an encouragement to do it again.

"Josh please. Don't start with your teasing."

"I'm not teasing but I did love the juicy details you gave me about Jimins body. I mean wow, but a picture would of been better." Joshua

Baekhyun clicks his tongue and slaps Joshua on the chest with the back of his hand, scowling at him for his comment. Joshua only laughs but rubs his chest after impact.

"Stop talking about Jimin all the time! It's annoying." Baekhyun

"Why? You jealous?" Joshua

He smirks at Baekhyun this time who widen his eyes and stood up from the couch to fake cough a little.

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