Chapter 66🌹

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I'm very excited about what's about to go down. It's gonna be so funny to see Jaehoon pop off when these princes arrive that's exactly why I wanted him to come with us. A part of me is because I know they deserve a good beating but also just for the entertainment. Being as old as myself you need a little entertainment here and there.

We arrived at the cabin pretty early because Ren was speaking to Eun and the three weirdos I call them, about what's been going on and basically keeping them updated on the situation. They did come yesterday but Ren just wanted to be sure they remember what is to he spoken about. He's also gonna convince the princes to let y/n come back to us as she is more safer with us then there. I think they just did that because they wanted her close again and didn't think it through properly. Even hiding her in that room is very risky and they know it too despite the room being hidden by a spell.

I sat on the chair in the corner watching jaehoon impatiently pace back and forth, muttering to himself and hands behind his back. He's gonna blow at the first sighting of them and I'll be right there to witness it.

Jaehoon stopped pacing and lifted his head to glare out the window, pressing his whole body and face up against it. I know why and so do the other five vampires in this room as they now stopped talking around the table.

"Jeong stop him!" Ren

Before I could stand up Jaehoon moved so fast to run out the cabin but I was quick to follow behind him giggling away.

The princes were here and yet Jaehoon, the father of their soulmate was angry. Better then than me I have to say.

Within seconds Jaehoon ran to the first prince he laid his eyes on which so happens to be Jimin. I knew he would go for one of them first since he is one out of the three that knocked up his daughter.

I swear I heard Jimin curse before he was landed a punch to the left side of his face.

"YOU ASSHOLE!!" Jaehoon

Jimin caught himself before he fell to the ground and I stopped to just watch what was going to happen even if Ren did say to stop it.

Yoongi and Hoseok grabbed the raging bull by his arms to pull him away from Jimin who cupped his jaw in complete surprise.

"Okay, I deserve that." Jimin

"And more you dick! Get off me!" Jaehoon

He pushed north Yoongi and Hoseok away and Namjoon made eye contact with me but before he could move Jaehoon grabbed him by the collar and pushed him up against a tree, growling in his face.

"Did you not learn your lesson last time I hit you?! How dare you take my daughter without my permission!" Jaehoon

For once I can see Namjoons mind go completely blank. His mouth open and closed, speechless but then Jin spoke from behind him.

"We did it to keep her safe from Jackson. It's not the best place we know but we didn't take her to harm her." Jin

Jaehoon scoffs and pushes himself off Namjoon who sighed in relief to be away from his grasp. I just grinned to myself watching Jaehoon stomp over to Jin, as if he was ready to kill him if he made the wrong move.

"And you think being in the castle with Jackson is the right move?! You're all suppose to be kings by the end of this week and you can't even think wisely! What a fucking joke!" Jaehoon

Jin stepped back from the raging vampire, worried he would be next. It's kind of funny to see the princes back off from an ordinary vampire. They're stronger and could kill him with just a flick of a finger yet they are terrified of him. For me growing up the only people I was scared of was my parents, as a child I was scared of upsetting my mother but when I grew up it was my fathers, especially my biological father. He put me in my place a lot through the years before he died.

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