Chapter 55🌹

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I can't believe I had a soulmate that would do this to my parents with the help of her friends and one of them was a reincarnated friend from our past life together and another was human!

Like what the fuck?!

It's hard to believe but the evidence was right there. I mean Jungkook is the one that found them since it was unusual that they didn't join us for breakfast as they always do. No matter how angry our mother was with us about what happened with y/n all without actually meeting her, she always joined us for breakfast. Now is the last straw with y/n.

I mean reject us because of the way we reacted yes, I do believe we deserve that but to go out of her way to come to the castle while everyone sleeps and kill our parents for what? What reason did she have?

Even with it not making any sense each one of us are fuming and just want rid of this pain of losing our parents as well as our soulmate.

We handle this in the only way our nature can cope with and that is to act out violently. We don't care what is in our path, heck Hoseok almost killed Butler Choi because he kept claiming y/n and her friends were innocent. What does he know?

I don't know if bulter Choi was dead or not after the way Hoseok hit him the way he did and threw him out our way to the bottom of the stairs. Bulter Choi is old, a very old vampire so whether he could take that or not I don't know and right now I don't care.

My sights is on the Yoo house where each of us know where y/n and her friends are. No one told us that's where they are but I guess you can say that there's still that little bond there where I can feel that is where she is. At the Yoo house staying with Ren and jeong. Traitors.

The fact that they are homing three killers who murdered their nephew and his wife is just wrong, plain wrong. Obviously they have forgotten what it's like to be a family. If we have to kill them to get to her then so be it.

Running through the woods with my brothers was no problem however I did hear Jin question why they would be staying at Rens house and not at their own homes. I do question that also but Yoongi was quick to shut Jin up by reminding him of our mission to get there as soon as possible.

I've never ran to the Yoo house before and it was a long run but easy to get to.

All of us come to a stop infront of the large house gates that were locked. Each of us glancing at one another knowing that wouldn't stop us but instead of climbing the gate like I intended to Jungkook decided to smash the lock open on the gate. The sound made a loud crushed sound that I'm sure Ren and jeong would of heard and they did.

In fact no more than three seconds later both Ren and jeong were outside standing in front of us ready for whatever was about to happen.

Each one of us walking into the Yoo property did we form a line to stand before Ren and jeong who glare at each of us.

"Now boys, let's think about what happened." Ren

"Yes! Let's think about it shall we?" Namjoon

He snorted to Ren which made jeong take a step closer but Jimin also took a step closer to the man before us ready to fight.

"I'm so sorry about what happened to your parents. I really am. It's unfortunate this happened." Ren

"It is but now your harbouring the killers inside your house!"

I tried to step around Ren but he only stepped in front of me with his hand stretched out.

"Taehyung you don't understand what you're trying to do here." Ren

I scoffed at him and pushed away his hand from me.

"I know exactly what I'm trying to do here now move!"

Before I could take any step forward I was suddenly pushed with so much force I was in the air for some seconds but thankfully I landed on my feet. Yoongi then tackled Ren to the floor after he pushed me and jeong made the first move to try to remove him from Ren but only for Jimin to kick him in the stomach.

It formed a massive pile of bodies of my brothers with Ren and jeong.

I heard the front door open and peering over everyone I see Bong run out to see the chaos. He didn't notice me but instead ran straight towards Jin by jumping on jins back and pulling him back off Rens arm.

I locked eyes with Namjoon who signalled for me to try the sides and I nodded and set off running to the left side of the large mansion.

I don't know if y/n would be in the same room as she was when she stayed here but it's worth a check. I remember where that window is since I would check in her through the night by peaking through the windows that sometimes she and Daehyun would forget to close at nights.

Grinning to myself when I spotted the window did I climb up the vine on the wall of the brick stoned mansion.

I'm ready to kill if needed. Soulmate or not. She's gone too far.

Coming to the window did I growl to myself when I come to find it's empty. No light nothing not even life seemed to look like someone has even stayed in that room since we left from our trip stay here.

I jumped back down to the grass below my feet scratching the top of my head in question to where to go next. The growls of my brothers can be heard as well as Ren, jeong and even Bong putting up a fight against my brothers.

Just to the far end of the wall did I notice the small light coming from that room. Another grin came upon my lips when I also felt that pull towards that room that made me confident this was y/n in that room.

I ran as fast as I could to that small square window. Jumping up this time as I high is I could to get to it, grabbing onto the ledge of the window to pull myself up enough to peek inside.

The room was dim lighted by only a lamp in the corner of the room. Scanning the bedroom itself I found y/n sitting on the bed with a book in hand. She didn't have a clue what was going on yet she seemed so content sitting there. Oblivious to the pain she has caused my brothers and I by her actions these past few weeks. How dare she?!

Just seeing her I had mixed emotions. I wanted to kill her, I was angry but her I still had that part of me that said don't do it.

So without thinking of my next actions I punched my fist through the window, shattering the glass separating the two of us.

Y/n jumped off the bed with a scream but I was fats to practically glide through the window and straight to her, pinning her against the wall behind her and my large hand to cover her mouth.

Her eyes popping out of her head with fear and confusion all over them. Apart of me loved the way she was looking at me right now and another wanted me to move away and apologise for my actions. Just to hug her and make her feel better. But no I don't do that, instead I chuckle at her in bitter amusement.

"You and I need to have quick chat. Don't you think?"

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