Chapter 61🌹

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I have a surprise for the boys. I have been planning this for a while among other things. They've been acting really strange recently so I'm going to show them this place that has been closed off for so many years, hundreds of years to be exact. It was by them all when they were in their last lives together and if they are going to be the kings I know they will be then this is the next step.

They're parents are gone all thanks to me. I am surprised that they haven't killed Y/n or her friends yet but I know these boys like to plan. Maybe they didn't kill her a few nights ago because Ren would of stopped them. But when these boys become kings they wont step down to anyone. They'll gain their true strengths that I know they already have but they'll get even stronger.

My plan is so close to working but I need to push them even more. Their soulmate needs to be gone by the time they take the throne. I have faith though, the boys are pretty unstable right now and very short tempered. It's only a matter of time before they do something bad to her and I'm hoping with them in this room it'll set them off.

Grinning to myself while looking around the dark dungeon that is only a light with the torches on the wall to set the eery scene. I already have human girls that have been drugged and passed out laying in their cells in their underwear so it'll be easer for them to feed on them. I know this will work.

They've never had human blood directly from a human in this life so this will be new to them and they'll enjoy it, I know they will. Its in their nature to do things like this.

I already sent the request for the boys to meet me here.

It actually didn't take long before the double wooden doors banged open with a loud thud, the doors hitting the wall with a crack but thankfully the doors don't break.

"Want do you want Jackson?" Namjoon

I turned around with my hands behind my back smiling at the seven angry princes that just came in the room. I did however notice that they kept their distance. Namjoon, Jin and Hoseok were the only two that were standing in front of the others while I notice how the other four stood far away from me. I don't comment on it though since it seems very odd now remembering how Yoongi and Taehyung have blown up everytime they see me but not this time. They only glare at me with their red eyes as if they could kill me at any wrong move.

" I wanted to show you this place. Its a early gift from me to you for your coronation coming up."

Jin roll his eyes which made me surprised but I don't say anything and chose to ignore it. They're just having a bad day but I know this will make it up to them.

"Why?" Hoseok

He growls at me which made me stunned and I took a step back in surprise but tried my hardest not to react to it.

"Because you boys have been through a lot lately and I thought you could all use this room to what ever you desire."


He was cut off when Jimin pushed him back and covered his mouth with his hand. The two just glared at each other before Jimin removed his hand from his mouth. I however didn't know how to react to his sudden outburst since it wouldn't be the first time.

"Why are there humans here Jackson?" Namjoon

He crossed his arms over his chest and slowly and very intimidatingly did he stroll over to me and come to a stop in front of me. His jaw clenched and eye brow raised.

"For you to do as you please with them."

"You want us to feed from them?" Jin

I glanced over at Jin, suddenly feeling nervous by the way Namjoon was staring at me right now.

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