Chapter 50🌹

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Even after just spending one night in this place, I find it a peace of mind due to the change of scenery. My dad was right, it was a good idea to go away for a few days and even Joshua and Baek were enjoying their time here also. In Joshua's words it's less depressing on this farm that happens to be owned by Ren's nephew, Hanuel. I came to find out that he is Taehyungs grandson from when we had that first life together. Instead of being a prince he found peace in farming and I don't blame him either. It's beautiful here.

This morning Hanuel asked my dad for some help with rounding the sheep with his dogs and my dad couldn't say no since my dad once grew up on farm a long time ago before he met my mother.

So because last night we didn't get a chance to wonder around and explore Haunels wife, Val, has offered to show us around the place. She's a very sweet woman, polite and quiet spoken but lovely to talk to. But there is something about her that I can't help but find......mysterious. It's just the energy about her that makes her seem, bright and the way she walks as I watch her walk along the gravel outside the front of house, it just seems like she's almost floating but clearly she's not because he feet are obviously planted on the floor.

"I'll show you where we keep the horses." Val

I only nodded but followed her close behind just to hear Joshua and Baek whispering behind me.

"She's crazy beautiful." Joshua

I heard a smack type of sound from behind and I looked over my shoulder to see Joshua now glaring at Baek, rubbing his arm.

"That hurt!! What was the need?" Joshua

Baekhyun shrugs, ignoring the question and continues to walk ahead like nothing happened.

"Okay his violence towards me is getting on my nerves." Joshua

He scowls at the back of Baekhyuns head who was following Val inside he stables that were attached to the main house.

"He's got something on his mind Josh. I'm sure he'll snap out of it and tell us soon."

I pat his shoulder and Joshua sighs heavily with a nod.

"I know but don't we all have something on our minds?" Joshua

I looked up at him just so he could stare me down with a knowing look. I know what he means by that but I've been trying my hardest to not think about any of the vampires that I should call my soulmates but even to refer to them in anyway of being my soulmates hurts and my heart clenches every time. I feel almost lost and just empty inside but I keep it together, just so I can enjoy this place.

"Yes but let's not go there okay?"

He only nods just to take my hand and give me a side hug and together we follow Val and Baek who had already disappeared inside the stables. The door was already open so we just walked in there we found Baek light stroking a horses head, his hand softly behind its' ears and down its long main. Baek had always loved horses so to see him like this calm and content instead of seemingly looking like he's about to bite someone's head off was nice to see. Val appears beside him from another room and holds out a brush towards him.

"Would you like to brush her?" Val

Baeks eyes lit up and he eagerly nods to take the brush from her and begin to gently brush the horses hair, smiling ear to ear in delight.

"So Val, how long have you and Hanuel been together?" Joshua

He simply asks out of curiosity just to take a seat on a little bench that was just across from Baek with the horse.

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