Chapter 81🌹

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Today has come for one of my daughters to get married to their soulmate. Sakura.

For years she didn't think she would ever find him but she did two years ago.

Apparently both bong and Jungkook knew about her soulmate, Bobby for some time and that one particular evening bong took her to him. To the special place that my mother and father met and now it's theirs. Now that lake shares another love story of two soulmates meeting again.

It seems that according to Bobby, he once too lived a life with us a long time ago as another person called Bobby which is why he insists everyone calls him Bobby.

Also that bong and Daehyun were his parents once before and it seems that they have again taken on that role. Bobby said in this life he was abandoned as a child by his vampire parents so he's a full vampire this time instead of human and apparently he has been looking for Sakura for a very long time. That's apparently how he met bong.

The story I've been told was that bong was doing a sweep of the garden one night months before Sakura knew of Bobby and bong had found Bobby snooping the grounds only to find that Bobby was actually watching Sakura from her window as she likes to sit there at night sometimes and watch the moon when it's out. It's just her thing and bong realised who he was and it just went from there.

Bobby is a big part of our life now and now he's joining the family even more by marrying my daughter.

It was chaos to be honest.

As it was at both Jia and Taemin weddings. Sakura is the last of the three eldest to get married and we have jiho who is also engaged to his soulmate also. Also our family expected to go on to have one grandchild who is only six months old and the cutest little girl ever. She's the spitting image of Jia when she was a baby and yet Jimin can't get enough of the little baby. A doting grandfather is what he is.

Taemin is also due to have a baby very soon also with his soulmate so that's another expectation to the family.

Jin even made a comment about all this baby stuff but I just had to remind him that we were no better in having kids and that because we had so much kids there will be more grandkids and I'm looking forward to that. So is Taehyung and Hoseok, out of all my husbands they're the most enthusiastic about it even if all my husbands love children.

The ceremony was beautiful and very emotional, especially Jungkook who blubbered like a baby but I was no better but I held his hand during the process. When Jia and Taemin got married Jimin and Taehyung also cried the most too just like the other four will be next. Most likely to be Yoongi next because jiho is the next to be married.

Now we were at reception and everyone was here, chatting and dancing. We already had our evening meal and now it was time for the entertainment.

Everyone we know and love is here to spend the day with us.

Baekhyun and Joshua were obviously here. Bong and Daehyun, hanuel and Val. Even the dark knights were here strutting it up on the dance floor and Eun was by the side shaking his head in embarrassment while he talks to Jimin with his granddaughter in hand.

I was sitting at the table watching everyone around me, feeling for full in life I couldn't of asked for anything better. Other than wanting my parents to be here too but I'm sure they're watching.

Jungkook was dancing with Sakura in the middle of the dance floor among other people, whispering to one another and Sakura let out a laugh and rolled her eyes to whatever her father said to her.

Bobby was over by the other side of the dance floor dancing with Daehyun, both exchanging words. While bong stood off the the side proudly watching like a proud father.

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