Chapter 64🌹

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"Thank you. You're now dismissed. My wife shall show you out."

I gestured towards the door while I sat in my chair behind my desk. My brother jeong continues to glare at the man as he stood next to me while my beautiful wife shows the man to the door.

The man bowed and took his leave following Jewel out the door and jeong finally exhaled our of relief.

"Finally. That man stinks of Jackson." Jeong

I nod in agreement.

"Yes he does but you and I both know that's because we hired him to get his trust with Jackson and by our spy."

That man who we call Jon, works for us but makes Jackson believe that he is the real boss. But he wasn't here to tell us of Jackson's doings as there's nothing new apart from opening the old dungeon that holds too many dark stories of the boys other life. Thankfully they didn't go down that route, but Jon was here in favour of Namjoon.

I was shocked because the boys didn't know anything about Jon working for us which makes me believe that the princes have finally opened their eyes to the real Jackson. Then after listening to what Jon had to say it only confirmed what I thought but still shocked me even if I already knew.

Namjoon had requested to meet at a cabin not far from here which would be out of reach from Jackson and who ever he had working for him. I know exactly which cabin that is and it is that we meet with them tomorrow. I will take jeong with me but also the dark knights are to arrive later this evening so they will be coming with me and my brother. There's a lot to discuss but also the fact that they took y/n from school.

I didn't know that as Daehyun, Joshua and Baekhyun haven't arrived home from school yet but they should very soon.

"Jeong I think we need to prepare for jaehoon to lose his mind."

He let of a snort of a laugh and walked around the desk to stand in front of it. A large grin on his face showing he already thinks it'll be funny.

"I'm already prepared for that brother. I can't wait to see his reaction. If that was my daughter that was in this situation and didn't come home, I would destroy everyone and everything around me. This is gonna be fun." Jeong

I shook my head at him. But chuckling at his behaviour. He always has a way to make things no matter the situation, just amusing to him in every way.

"Well you better not make an comment like that when jaehoon blows up."

"I would never. Like I said if that was my daughter I would be happy either. You know it's insulting that you think I wouldn't be sensitive about the situation when it's needed." Jeong

I cackled at his offended tone which only made him glare at me with hands on his hips but reached out to me over the desk just to push my shoulder.

"It's not funny Rennie!" Jeong

I dropped my smile and immediately stopped laughing. He knows I don't like that and now that he smiles at me in triumph doesn't make it any better.

"What's wrong big bro? You don't like it when you get picked on do you?" Jeong

I scoffed and looked away from him. Ignoring his laughter but we both stopped and tensed when the scent of two humans and a half breed come walking into the house. Worry and panic were what we could smell from them also.

They're back.

Jeong and I exchanged a glance at each knowing any second now jaehoon is gonna come running through that door.

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