Chapter 27🌹

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When Ren mentioned he wanted to bring our souls out to speak to one another I have to say I panicked but a part of me was saying yes so even with my nerves I found myself immediately saying yes to the idea.

On the way to his office Ren went over what will happen and why it's needed.

He told me Jungkooks soul is angry with mine. To find out exactly why our souls with need to speak to one another and he did assure me that it's safe to do so as long as our souls don't try to leave our bodies if that were the case then we would die.

I just hope to god that doesn't happen.

Also was I told that we would have no control over our bodies or what we say. It would be our past lives speaking to one another and I have to say I'm very interested to know what they have to say to one another, if I get to witness it through my eyes but we'll see about that.

Lucky for the moment Jungkook was calm, or so I'm told and when Ren pushed open the large doors to his office was I welcomed to the dark room with Jungkook already tied to a chair in the middle of the room with another empty chair centred in front of him.

Walking in did I see the other six sitting on a long couch just barely able to sit in the tight squeeze. I would wave hello to them but I sensed the dark aura in the room that told me it was no time for pleasant hellos.

"Y/n take a seat please." Ren

He gestures to empty chair and without a word I headed towards the chair to nervously sit down but when I did Jungkook red eyes flicked to my form. With just how fast he looked at me made me flinch but he said nothing. His dark look alone was scary enough so I dread to hear what he's got to say. However even under his angered emotions he was throwing my way, I felt oddly calm yet growing impatient to get this started.

Sitting down did I see another man appear from the shadows. He was tall, dark brown hair which was close to black but just a little light than Rens. I felt like I've seen him before, but that's when it hit me. He was the man that was emptying the bags from bus when we came here, the man that seemed so shocked to see me before Namjoon stood in front of me. What's he doing here?

"Y/n before we get started I'd like to introduce you to someone. He can do what I can because of our age and I'll need his help for this." Ren

He speaks as he walks around to stand beside me with a hand rested on the back of my chair. I couldn't say anything but stare at this man with curiosity. Why do I feel this closeness with this man?

"Have we met before?"

I asked the unknown man who has been staring at me back but only does he smile for the first time after my question.

"A very long time ago." ???

I looked up to Ren for answers so Ren walks over to the man and pats his shoulder to then look at me.

"Y/n I'd like to introduce you to my baby brother, Jeong." Ren

The man he just called Jeong rolls his eyes with a scoff and lightly pushes him away from him.

"I'm not a baby Ren, I can still beat your ass." Jeong

Ren only laughs at him to come back to my side without taking his eyes off his brother.

"Yeah keep dreaming Jeong. I always let you win. I'm a lover not a fighter." Ren

"Whatever." Jeong

I couldn't help but admire the two bicker as brothers. It warmed my heart to see that but I didn't know another one of them was alive.

"Hey, wait a second. I thought only you were the last child left alive."

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