Chapter 6🌹

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Joshua and Baekhyun thought it would be a good idea to go to the mall since it's a Saturday and we just left the food court after Baekhyun eating a full course meal for a family of four all to himself, we left to get some more shopping done.

Soon enough I wont have to ask my dad for some money to do things like this because Joshua helped me get a part time job at a local restaurant that's both human and vampire friendly so that's great. I just found out yesterday yet my dad isn't too thrilled because he's worried but I think I'll be fine. I need to start doing stuff like that now because I'm eighteen now so I need to learn about things like this.

Joshua cant wait for me to start while Baekhyun has done nothing but pout about it and now says he wishes he got me a job working at the supermarket he works at part time. It doesn't matter to me to be honest it's a job and I can start earning my own money.

One thing for sure I have learned that Baekhyun is very good at shopping for clothes like the latest deals and the best clothes to get a reasonably prices and he can do it with women clothing too. So he wanted to use those skills on making sure I buy really good clothes and made me buy something like a dress. I had to make sure it wouldn't reveal the scar on my shoulder or back before I bought it and luckily it doesn't. The dress was pretty but after I bought it both friends of mine started to mention the upcoming party and there, I knew that was the reason they wanted me to buy that dress. It was for the party when I keep telling them I don't know if I'm going yet. It's still undecided especially when I found out those seven vampires will be there.

I have a massive crush on all of them yet they bring but trouble for me. I told Joshua and Baekhyun about what happened with Jin. At first they didn't believe me but when I was dead ass serious with them and noticed how Jin, now wont even look at me and ignores me compared to what he use to be like and that was make sneaky comments about the way I look or throw a paper ball at me or something. They knew something was up and began to believe me.

Leaving the food court Baekhyun wanted to check out a shoe shop that also sold sports clothing too so I was dragged there while I texted my dad that I was okay. Both boys were talking about what they were gonna be looking for in the shop we're going to but only to stop in their tracks and for me to walk into their backs.

"Hey! What are you two doing?!"

I put my phone in my pocket and separated the two down the middle to then see something I wish I didn't.

It was all seven vampires that I dream about all the time.

With Girls.

Three girls.

Then there was Jungkook with one girl.


My heart plummeted to my stomach and I turned away from the scene from the group of ten that were walking towards the escalators. I then forced a smile at the two friends that were looking at me with concern because no matter how much I try to deny what I feel for them, my two best friends know all too well how I really feel about it.

"Guys, I'm fine okay? Now lets just go to that shop."

I grabbed their wrists and dragged them along with me to the shot Baekhyun wants to go to. Once entering the shop we went straight to the men's department and the two boys began to look at the shoes. I just stood there watching them and then looking around since this is men's stuff so I wasn't really bothered about what's going here. My dad isn't really into sports stuff either so I cant buy him anything from here because sports is not his thing.

The across the shop I seen some woman's shoes that caught my eye so telling both of them I was going over to the girls stuff I made my way over to the woman's department across the shop. I didn't have enough money with me to buy some more shoes but there's no harm in looking, a browse at them really. If I start trying them on I'll want to buy them and that's no use when I haven't got enough money. Then my sights land on this gorgeous white trainers with sparkling jewels on the side with silk ties for shoelaces. I loved them but yet I didn't want to pick them up because if I do I'll try them on then the temptation to steal them will be real.

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