Chapter 41🌹

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Tonight was the party at the castle that everyone has been talking about for days. Hoseok explained to me earlier today at school that his parents were out of town and that they decided to have a party.

In the end I couldn't say no and I ended up at the party with Joshua and Baekhyun. Jin wanted to pick me up but I told him there was no point since Baek wanted to make sure I was wearing what he bought me to wear which was this stupid short skirted red dress. It made me stand out a lot because of the vibrant colour. I didn't want to stand out but they both assured me I was just fine.

I never wear red so I don't know how this will turn out but I suppose we're about to find out.

I linked arms with Joshua and Baek and we entered the castle through the already open doors to the castle that already had people coming in as we were.

There upon walking through the doors did I see an older man wearing what I would assume as a butler suit with his bow tie. His eyes widen when he seen me and bowed politely as we walked passed him. I bowed back to him but he shows me a look of concern on his face if I'm not mistaken. He seemed really worried about something but I didn't stick around to ask and we proceeded to walk down the long corridor towards the loud music playing.

The hall was huge but very crowded. It looked like the whole school showed up to this place. The music was so loud that I swear it made the walls bounce and the floor vibrate under my feet.

"So Y/n can you spot any of your soulmates here?" Joshua

I looked around the room even to step up on my tippy toes but I did spot Yoongi and Jin over by the drinks table.


I squealed and let go of Joshua and Baek to run over to two of my soulmates and back hug Yoongi since he was the one with his back to me but surely he would of known I was coming. As I grabbed Yoongi from behind he stiffens and at first I thought it was because I might of startled him but no. He didn't relax at all and instead I looked up to Jin confused and he gave me nothing but I look of disgust as he held a cup of whatever it was he was drinking.

"Get the fuck off me!" Yoongi

He shouted over the music and quickly turned around and pushed me backwards away from him before running off quickly a blink later. I stood there confused but very worried about what just happened and Jin's look of hate and disgust was still written all over his face. Did I do something wrong?

Jin eyes check me up and down before he clicks his tongue and shakes his head and walks away from me with out another word. What the hell is wrong with them?

I was about to follow them when a new voice spoke from behind me.

"Ah so you must be the famous Y/n." ??

I turned around to look at the person talking and I seen this tall guy with short brown hair that was slicked back off his forehead with a massive smile on his face and his hands behind his back.

"I am sir. Who are you, if I may ask?"

I asked him politely because I didn't know who he was even if he was giving off a creepy vibe.

"Oh I'm sorry. My name is Jackson. I'm the chief advisor of the king and queen. It's pleasure to meet you." Jackson

He bowed to me doing a complete ninety degree angle and I only bowed back to him in politeness. I was unsure of this guy. Something just didn't sit right with me just by the look alone that he was giving me.

"It's nice to meet you too but I'm sorry I must really be going. I have to find my friends again."

I spoke already walking away from him to walk passed him as he followed my moves with his creepy grin and bowed his head.

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