Chapter 76🌹

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Not much has happened since the coronation of my soulmates.

I moved into the castle to join my loves and live with them like we once did. My dad comes and goes but he's okay and I keep in touch with Ren and Jeong every week too. Joshua and Baekhyun also live here too, it just didn't seem right to live here without them here with me and Daehyun and Bong also live here too but of course they would since Bong is now the advisor and Daehyun is his soulmate so there's no question to it.

Months back when my mom was here, I said my goodbyes to her as she left after midnight. I said my goodbyes to her first so my dad can say his. He took it rather well, better than I was expecting but that didn't mean he wasn't hurting any less, but my dads a strong man. I also had the pleasure to officially meet my soulmates parents too. It went better than I expected since the queen didn't waste any time in giving me a hug as soon as she saw me and even their dad wasn't so bad. He didn't talk much but he was still polite when he spoke to me. I was more nervous to meet him than his wife but it went really well and this time the king and queen also had their final goodbyes with their sons. Let's just say it was a very emotional evening but a very memorable one.

We owed Val big time for doing that for us but when I asked her what I could do to return the favour she said it was nothing and we didn't owe her anything but I insisted and in the end and somehow after talking for hours about it. Somehow it came to the decision that Baekhyun would work for Val when it comes to her spells and potions. Since Baekhyun is a human and his soulmate, Joshua is a half blood I thought Baekhyun could learn these spells from Val especially about the immortality part. I can still drink the blood of my vampire soulmates to stop myself from aging just like Daehyun agreed to also do with Bong. That only leaved Joshua and Baekhyun but thankfully if Val can do it with her potions then Baekhyun can learn the same thing to stay youthful with us forever.

I plan to stick to my promise that I made.

I don't want to die of old age again and leave my soulmates behind even if it was for a short time, just to think of the pain they must of gone through is just hurtful to even think about and it even makes me think what the hell was I thinking when I did that. I'm not doing that again and they know that too.

Maybe we'll stick around for a very long time until we finally decide to go together?

I've heard of vampires doing that like about the sad story Ren told me about his younger brother Dohyun with his soulmate who was also a vampire. They just decided to die in one another's arms and that was a very sad story but every story I've heard of all their passing's was just sad.

We haven't spoken about how that will happen because right now we're just living in the moment together and focusing on the now and what happening in our lives. I'm very heavily pregnant and could pretty much go into labour at any time now. I was sitting in the garden with Hoseok but he quickly ran inside to grab me something to drink, more like blood really. Its what I wanted so he went inside to go grab some.

The other six soulmates were busy in a meeting with some sort of board of men that come from high up vampire families. They're discussing adding humans into the board of council to talk about the laws and change a few things. Its a very important meeting but Hoseok stayed with me because I could go into labour at any given time and no one else was here to pretty much watch me.

My dad was out of town with Ren and Jeong. Baekhyun and Joshua were visiting Baekhyun's parents to finally tell them that they are together as a couple. Then Daehyun was also at her mothers house since its her moms birthday and Bong was busy anyway so that left me to wonder around, not that I could go anywhere anyway because of my large belly. I only have three babies to carry but in my first life it was four so that makes me wonder how the hell I did that since its been so hard but I wouldn't change it.

But one thing that will be happening after these babies are born is that I will officially start planning my wedding day to my soulmates. Just last week they asked me to marry them in this very garden just like the first time and it didn't feel any different than the first time either. It was filled with tears of joy and their little speeches to tell me just how much they love me and such had me balling like baby. It was defiantly something I wont forget and as I'm now sitting on the bench in the garden I just gave down at my finger that bares the engagement ring that they give me so symbolise that special moment and my acceptance in their question to marry them. How could I not say yes to that?

Joshua however also cried taking pictures of the moment but he cried more than I did and in the end Daehyun took over taking the pictures because Joshua kept shaking too much. What also surprised me was that my soulmates asked my dad for permission to do this and I was surprised by that but also to the fact my dad said yes. I spoke to my dad about that and he just told me he said yes because these past months he's seen how happy I am but also mentioned in front of everyone that he still wont hesitate to beat them all if they hurt me again. It was pretty funny to be honest as it always has been since the boys take my dad very seriously and I guess they're still scared of him too.


I looked over my shoulder, cutting off my thoughts of everything that has happened these last seven months just to smile when I see Hoseok jogging over to me with a travel cup in his left hand and waving with another. He makes it look like he's hasn't seen me in a few days but the way he's running over to me and waving. Hoseok came over to stop next to me and sit down next to me on the bench and pass me the cup.

"Here you go. I know you like it warmed up so I'm sorry it took so long." Hoseok

I shook my head at him and kissed his cheek.

"It's okay I've just been enjoying the sun and just thinking."

"Oh? Thinking about what?" Hoseok

He raised a brow to his own question but didn't let his smile drop from his face.

"Just everything that's happened and some of the future too."

"That reminds me, the knights are coming to visit tomorrow. Eun needs to talk to us about something but it's nothing to worry about." Hoseok

He took my hand and kissed the back of it his soft lips grazing along my skin. I couldn't help but blush but I hid it as I drank out of my cup and looked to the flowers before us but suddenly I felt a sharp pain cross my lower stomach making me gasp and drop my cup to the floor.

"What? What is it!?" Hoseok

He quickly stood up panicked but taking both my hands in his and his eyes scanning my body. I shook my head but I couldn't respond since I felt something gush from between my legs, wet trailing down my legs and soaking my leggings in the process. Hoseoks eyes widen when he seen the pool of wet at my feet, it looked like I peed myself honestly but I hadn't. My waters had broke.

Hoseok upon realising this quickly picked me up in his arms in a bridal style way. He may of been quick but he was very careful and he ran inside the castle calling everyone's names and shouting at the top of his lungs what was happening. He was panicking but ran towards the medical wing of the castle. I was scared, nervous even but on our way to the medical wing through out the castle I could hear the loud stomping steps of my soulmates running to our direction from different parts of the castle, accompanied with slamming of doors. I guess the meeting was done then?

It didn't take long to get to the medical room and Hoseok setting me down on the bed and already helping me take off my leggings and place a cover over my legs so I wouldn't feel too embarrassed even if he had already seen every part of my body. Seconds in mid way of placing the cover over my legs six more bodies rushed into the room too. Excitement and nerves all over their faces but their here and they haven't left my side since the day they were crowned kings. They promised me they wouldn't, and I believe they wouldn't just how I promised I wouldn't leave them either.

Never again.

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