Chapter 29🌹

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~ ??? POV~

I swear if I have one more person come to me and tell me the death of the reincarnated Y/n was yet again another fail I'm going to have to take matters into my own hands and that will be tricky.

I mean she's always being watching because of who she is and I was wanting to get this done as quietly and as quickly as possible but obviously that's not happening. I sent someone to kill her last year but that was a fail, then again since she's moved here more than once and again I never heard back from my men that I sent out so I can only assume they are dead.

Only did I know she had moved here when I heard the princes talk of her in the garden one day when their father had requested I find them to join him and his wife for dinner. It wasn't my job to even do that anyway but I bit my tongue and did it anyway and only to find that I heard them talk of her name and that she is again their soulmate.

For years I've watched these boys grow up ever since the day the queen brought them all home and watch them grow into the very same men, the very same kings that also bestowed peace with vampires and humans and not to mention the peace half bloods got all because of that filthy half blood queen. I knew then when I first seen it in Jin as a young boy and then the others that soon enough there will be a time that all my hard work will have gone to waste and they will over power me but not if their soulmate was dead.

I was hoping she would of died before they found her again but no. They found her and they could surely die in heart break as they did the last time and I've grown to care for them but not enough to back out of my plan to kill her. All I can really do is try to make them realise that they don't need her, to make the realise who they are and what they once were before they met her in their first life and be the brutal kings I know they still are. She just needs to go.

All my hard work will go to waste. It took me hundreds of years to get to where I am and no one knows of my true Identity.

I was there the day Yoo Yuna was killed.

I was only a little boy and when those kings charged through the house that very day my parents who were followers of Yoo Yuna hid me in a closet under the stairs at last minute. I was found, I was found my King Jimin at the time. Though he spared my life because I was a child and left me there without saying anything so when I look at Jimin now, it still brings out the memories of when he spared me.

When they were all in the basement was when I took the chance to run out the house and never look back. I knew my parents were dead, I heard their screams along with everyone else that I thought of as family. Never would I forget that day.

I then grew up and wormed my way through the royals, gaining their trusts and doing jobs for them and eventually all my work paid off and I was granted position of royal chief advisor for the past three kings.

But my hard work didn't stop there, year ago I created all this hatred to half bloods. I was the one that killed Princess Namira, the granddaughter of Queen Y/n and King Namjoon. It was blamed on the only half blood working in the castle at the time, a very trusted man also and a close family friend which is why it cut so deep with the betrayal that ever since then any king that came to take the role his reign I made sure they had that same hatred to half bloods. That they are un natural being and should never be trusted. That they are dirty and useless beings that need to be eliminated.

Its been working for years but like I said, those princes came to this very castle, I knew the end was near and I will stop it. I'll kill the current Y/n even if I have to do it myself I'll do it.

I started what Yoo Yuna couldn't do and I'll make sure it continues this way.

This is all I think about and even so much as stray from my duties as an advisor that's how much this all bothers me. That bitch just needs to go.

Though my thoughts are cut off when I hear a hard knock on the other side of my office door, the very same office that Choi Kai, had once worked in but now it's mine.

"Come in."

I stated and the doors open to reveal one of the men that work for me but also as a groundskeeper in the gardens. He's the one I call my messenger to my men on the outside of the castle grounds.

"What is it? I hope its good news."

The timid man closes the door behind him but stays close to the door with his hands behind his back. I can tell by the way he stands, swaying side to side nervously and gulping also with a little sweat on his forehead and he cant even bring himself to look at me.

"My lord....erm.well..." Messenger

"Just spit it out!"

I cant speak to loudly or my king will hear it so I would have to watch what I say and most of all my tone. That's one thing he inherited from his ancestor, the god damn perfect hearing.

"Sir Wang Sung-ho failed in his mission. He didn't return at schedule time and his body was found 12 miles from the Yoo house my lord." Messenger

He bows and lowers his head at my while I form a fist and try to control my anger. I'm fucking enraged right now. Another failed mission to kill that girl.

"Do you know who happened to have killed him?"

I raised a brow in curiosity. I swear if its that same asshole I'm going to throw my men his way just for his head.

"Yes, sir. It was Han Bong, reincarnation of Choi Kai. His scent was all over the body sir as well as prince Namjoon and Prince Yoongi my lord. We can only assume they are the two to move the body." Messenger

I was shaking with anger. I stood up from my seat pushing it back until it fell on the floor behind me and picked up the nearest thing to me which was a stone ornament of a wolf and threw it at him. He dodged it by ducking down and stepping to the side.

"Tell everyone I want that man dead! He's getting in the way and just have him gone. Do anything to make sure he goes away for good. I will not be happy if he's still alive by the end of the month and that pushing it. Just go!"

I whisper yelled at him and gestured for him to the door by pointing at it. The man scattered in fear with one last bow and runs out my office closing the door behind him. With a grunt of anger and frustration and sat back down again in my chair after picking it back up.

That fucking guy keeps getting in the way, but not for long. Now he has to go too because he is spoiling all my plans. I'll kill all the reincarnations if I fucking have to and I will.

No one is fucking up what I have worked so hard to achieve. Fucking no one.

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