Chapter 28🌹

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After yesterdays events Ren suggested that we should try out the indoor pool that's in the basement, well where the basement use to be. I heard a few other students talk about how cool it looks so as a group we decided to all go together, my vampire soulmates included. It's gonna take a while for me to get use to saying that but yet it almost comes out feeling just right and I could just say it out loud so easily.

Though every time I'm with them, Jungkook is still very clingy but I don't mind. Ren did mention that he could be just so his soul could have that reassurance that I'm not going anywhere. It's all lot to take it really, to process it all. I mean I had no control over what I said to him and I made a promise to never leave. How the hell could I promise that?

Like how could I stay around forever as long as they can?

But we'll see how things go. There might be a way around this.

I do want to speak with Ren about this in private. I have a few questions to ask him and also I find myself wanting to spend time with Jeong also. It must be my soul or something, as in the past life both of them were my children if you think about it so I guess the connection is still there.

Though I hope to speak to them before we all have to go home, which is only five days away but right now we're making the most of having no class and we're at the indoor pool.

I don't know what it is about this place but it sends me chills to be here. It's an beautiful indoor pool and it's heated it's just something about this place makes me feel unsettled. Even Taehyung is a little off I've noticed with the way every now and then he would become stiff and stare off in a certain direction on the other side of the pool and even Jungkook at one point became a little angry and glared at the wall beside the stairs. But I knew this time they weren't angry because of me, it was something else, but soon enough that moment passed and everyone was in the pool messing around and having fun. It was just the twelve of us in this place, we had the whole pool to ourselves while our other classmates were somewhere else around here. Most likely outside or wondering around the halls.

Everyone was in the pool but me. I have my reasons.

I sat by on a lounger watching everyone swimming but most of all what caught my attention was Joshua and Jimin. Those two were getting along fairly well but teasing each other too. It surprised me because Joshua had been talking more with Jin and Namjoon but now with Jimin too so it seems.

"What obsession do you have with my ass man? I'm taken!" Jimin

"It's not an obsession its a compliment. You're a good looking man I'm just being honest!" Joshua

Jimin splashes him in the face and tries to swim away but Joshua only follows him while laughing.

"Hey! Don't swim away from me! You should be grateful I'm giving you these compliments!" Joshua

"No! Go away!" Jimin

"You know you love it!" Joshua

I laughed at the two since you could tell it's all fun and games between them. Even Jimin was laughing even if he was trying to get away from Josh. Though I did catch Baekhyun glaring at the two for some reason as he sits by the steps into the pool. I stood up to go to ask him what was wrong but only to stop when I seen Jin walking out the pool, dripping wet in his swimming trunks, and brushing his hair back as the wet droplets fell from his face to his bare chest. Oh crap.

It was like he was walking in slow motion and I found myself stuck in place staring at him in awe. This man was god like beautiful and he was heading my way when I noticed how he smiled at me and headed in my direction. Suddenly I became panicked unsure of what to do until he came to a stop in front of me.

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